我想去德国打着实习的名义,去work and travel,那么 他给我的是什么签证呢?能打工吗?下面是德国大使馆的说明
Application for a residence permit
Singaporean citizens and residents seeking gainful employment on a temporary basis, plan to do an internship, intend to study or would like to reside with their German spouse in Germany must obtain a residence permit and - in the case of employment - a work permit. Applications for the permits must be submitted through the German Embassy in Singapore.
For the application of a residence/work permit you have to submit in person the following documents:
valid passport
two application forms
two passport photographs (white background)
employment contract
certificate of marriage (for family reunification)
The residence permit can be issued only upon approval by the appropriate authorities in Germany. This procedure can take up to two months. You will be notified as soon as approval is granted. 好:( :(