在《纽约时报》拍摄的22张照片中,张曼玉是惟一的华裔演员。在这些照片中,张曼玉的照片构图最为奇特。《清洁》虽然是04年的作品,但2006年初才登陆美国的艺术院线放映。其灵魂表演被纽约时报认为是年度最佳的表演之一,当然,此电影也为其赢得嘎纳影后殊荣。 有海报看吗$frage$ $送花$ 最喜欢张曼玉,想看海报! 同问~~~ 一样等待海报$支持$ Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung was selected for a photographic portfolio compiled by the New York Times of "Great Performers" in 2006.
The newspaper says, "It was not a standout year for filmmaking, but the acting in 2006 was consistently intriguing and often thrilling. In our annual photographic portfolio, the magazine has never tried to guess which actors will win awards, but rather to praise performances that moved, distressed, enlivened and finally, amazed us."
Twenty-two actors and actresses worldwide made it into the portfolio, including big names such as Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as actors who had good performance in last year's movies, including Paul Dano from "Little Miss Sunshine" and Rinko Kikuchi from "Babel."