1。Materials Science of Complex Interfaces
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:3 years
Place of study: Munich
Requirements: Diploma or Master of Science in natural sciences
Languages of instruction: English
Application deadline: Jan 15 and July 31
Detailed information: www.compint.de
contact: Prof. Dr. G. Abstreiter
Tel./Fax:+49 89 2891-2408/-4469
Email: compint@ph.tum.de
[ 本帖最后由 雨蝶 于 2007-3-6 23:00 编辑 ] 2. Nano Cat: Nanodesign of High Performance Catalysts
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:2 1/2-3 years
Place of study: Munich, Augsburg, Bayreuth, Regensburg
Requirements: Diploma or Master of Science in chemistry, chemical Engineering or Physics
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information: www.nanocat.de
contact: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann
Tel./Fax:+49 89 28913-081/-473
Email: Sekretariat.AC@ch.tum.de 3.Quantum Computing, control and communication
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:3 years
Place of study: Munich/parterner university (3month)
Requirements: Diploma-equivalent or Master
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information: www.qccc.de
contact: Prof. Dr. Steffen Glaser
Tel./Fax:+49 89 289-13759/-13210
Email: glaser@ch.tum.de 4. Structure, Reactivity and properties of Oxide materials
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:3 years
Place of study: Bayreuth
Requirements: Diploma or M.Sc.
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information: www.uni-bayreuth.de/elitenetzwerk/oxides/
contact: Prof. David Rubie, Ph.D
Tel./Fax:+49 921 5537-11/-69
Email: dave.rubie@uni-bayreuth.de 5. Thesis: Complex Processes in the Earth: Theory, Experiment, Simulations
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:3 years
Place of study: Munich
Requirements: Graduate degree
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information: http://elite.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
contact: Prof. Dr. Hns-Peter Bunge
Tel./Fax:+49 89 2180-4225
Email: bunge@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de 下面是工程和计算科学
1。Identification, Optimization and Control with applicantions in Modern technologies
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:ca. 3 years
Place of study: Bayreuth, Erlangen,Wurzburg
Requirements: Diploma or Master degree in mathematics, engineering or related fields
Languages of instruction: English, German
Detailed information: www2.am.uni-erlangen.de/elitenetzwerk-optimierung/
contact: Prof. Dr. Günter Leugering
Tel./Fax:+49 9131 85-27509/-28126
Email: leugering@am.uni-erlangen.de 下面是生命科学的
1。Lead structures of Cell function
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study: 3 years
Place of study: Bayreuth, Erlangen,Wurzburg
Requirements: graduate degree
Languages of instruction: English, German
Detailed information: www.bigss.de
contact: Prof. Dr. Paul Rösch
Tel./Fax:+49 921 5535-40/-44
Email: roesch@unbit.de 2. Nano-Bio-Technology
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:max. 3 years
Place of study: Munich, Augsburg, Bayreuth
Requirements: Diploma or Master´s degree
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information:www.lmu.de/nano-bio
contact: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bräuchle
Tel./Fax:+49 89 2180-77547
Email: Christoph.Braeuchle@cup.uni-muenchen.de Protein Dynamics in Health and Disease
Degree: Doctorate Degree
Duration of study:ca. 3 years
Place of study: Munich
Requirements: Diploma or Master degree
Languages of instruction: English
Detailed information: www.protein-dynamics.de
contact: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer.nat. Walter Neupert
Tel./Fax:+49 89 2180770-95/-93
Email: neupert@med.uni-muenchen.de 呼呼,终于发完了,好累