最近想去美国,收集了一些信息。 上面是美国使馆链接。现说说我签证的具体情况。
昨天一早打电话与朋友聊天,谈起去米国旅游,她说现在申请的都给一年的多次出入境签证。:D 那么一年内我也不需要申请签证鸟。另外她是当天就给了签证的,使馆要求你提供有邮票的信封,以便寄回你的护照。朋友的情况特殊,她与面试官解释,因为工作需要,她不能把护照留下,所以签证官让她下午去使馆取回。
如果你的收入不错,在申请当地生活稳定,邀请信函是不必要的。主要还是看你个人怎么回答。 我这次申请,虽也有朋友在米国,不过每问他们要邀请函。我认为邀请函不起什么大作用,有时反尔添加了麻烦,例如他们有可能会去查你朋友在米国的情况,与你和邀请人的关系。
(步骤3)大约8: 15到了门口,检查很严,手机一定不要带。大的包包也不要带,特别是男性。 进去后,没等多久,第一次叫号,只是查看申请表格,照片,信封,护照。别的材料都不要需要给。第二次叫号是正式面试。 我的面试官是个年轻的小伙子,满友好的,问问我去米国目的,多久,和谁去,打算去那里,我在德国什么职业。 我也就实话实说,问完了,连bankstatement, 工作合同,收入证明等等一堆文件看都木有看。只是仔细看了一下我在德国的居留许可。ok,不到3分钟,他说; I am going to issue you a visa. 哈哈,I replied: You are my sunshine today! I am going to book my airtickets now.
[ 本帖最后由 假若 于 2007-3-22 16:34 编辑 ] (步骤4)今天定了机票,直接从Amsterdam飞Phoenix, 打算在phoenix住一夜,第二天租车去大峡谷,,,LAS VEGAS三天,优胜美国家公园yosemite national park(去三番市的朋友一定要去那里看看,去一天也值得)。
23号--29号在纽约,华盛顿转转。 29号纽约飞AMERSTERDAM阿姆斯特丹,30号一早8店到,正好与朋友在阿市庆祝荷兰女王生日
如果你在米国时,需要飞行的次数很多,可以先买去去米国的来回票。之后推荐米国航空公司的airpass, 这个优惠是针对外国游客,我认为很划算
http://www.interlineres.com/pass ... ver-america-airpass
[ 本帖最后由 假若 于 2007-3-22 16:35 编辑 ] 最近想去美国,收集了一些信息,把重点的翻译成中文,以便大家阅读:
How to Apply for a Visa
Do not wait until the last minute! Inform yourself well in advance of your travel dates about possible visa requirements. First, see if you qualify for visa free travel through the Visa Waiver Program.
请不要临时临急地去申请签证。 收集好所需要的信息材料,旅游时间,还有弄清楚你需不需要签证。
Everyone applying for a visa, including applicants renewing visas, is required to schedule an appointment for a visa interview and appear in person except for the following:
• Children under 14 years of age; 14岁以下小孩
• Persons over 79 years of age; 79岁以上老人
• Diplomats on official business. 在职外交人员
To schedule an appointment for a visa interview, please call:
• Live Service: 0900 1-850055 (EUR 1.86/min). 7am to 8pm, Monday - Friday.
人工接话:0900 1-850055(收费1。86每分钟)星期一至星期五, 早上7点到下午8点。
• Credit Card Service for applicants from outside of Germany and callers who cannot access 0900 numbers: +49 (0)9131-772-2270. EUR 15 per call, MasterCard and Visa accepted. 7am to 8pm, Monday - Friday.
德国以外不能打0900开头的号码,接受visa和mastercard信用卡收费,每次收费15欧。星期一至星期五, 早上7点到下午8点。
You should have your passport in front of you when you call. The customer service representative will ask you for information from your passport. 当你打电话时,请把你的护照放在你前面,以便回答有关信息。
Note: If you currently live abroad and wish to make an appointment for an interview, you should have a friend or relative in Germany make the appointment for you.
The application process for student visas, for example, may require several weeks to process. We recommend that you schedule your interview appointment or send in your application at least 6-8 weeks before your intended trip.
Where should I apply for my visa?
Applicants are advised that they will have the best chance of qualifying for a visa if they apply in the country where they normally reside, since documenting sufficiently strong family, social, and economic ties to their country of residence might prove to be extremely difficult while abroad.
Applicants who reside in Germany have to apply at the Consular Section in Berlin, Frankfurt or Munich.
All applicants must submit the following documents:
• a DS-156 Electronic Visa Application Form (EVAF) for each applicant, regardless of age, completed online at http://evisaforms.state.gov, and signed by the applicant
• male applicants between the ages of 16-45 must fully complete supplemental form DS-157 (English | German)(pdf)
• a passport or child identification card (for German and most European citizens valid for at least the duration of your intended stay in the United States). If more than one person is shown on the passport, a separate visa application is needed for each person who is traveling to the United States;
• a recent passport photograph for each applicant, also for children
(see photo requirements);
• visa payment confirmation: evidence of having paid the non-refundable visa processing fee for each application.
证明你已交了申请签证的费用,此费用是不可退回。这一点很重要,美使馆不收现金。我上次申请美签证时,因为没有提前交钱,而要临时临急地找银行交钱。)Attention: If your application interview is scheduled to take place in less than 4 working days or, you have an urgent case, please follow the instructions for payment at the Dresdner Bank
• a stamped (EURO stamps only!), self-addressed envelope large enough for the return of your passport and documents. Please do not use registered mail。
• K-3 visa applicants are asked to send along with their application a self addressed DIN A4 envelope stamped with EUR 3,50 in postage.
• proof of your ties to Germany and of your intention to leave the U.S. after your temporary stay
• certain visas require extra documentation: i.e. form DS-2019, I-20 or I-797. These documents are not available from the consular offices, only from the exchange organization, school or employer.
Security Notice for Visa Applicants
In order to ensure everyone's safety and to ensure that security screening does not delay entrance in to the Consulate and planned interviews, no electronic devices, including cell telephones, may be brought into the Embassy or Consulate. Large backpacks, suitcases and glass containers are also not permitted. Security personnel will not store items for applicants and will confiscate all weapons. We therefore suggest that all such items be left at home, in a locked car, or with a friend or relative who remains outside the premises.
Documents relevant to the visa and/or passport application are the only items that we encourage applicants to bring with them.
Your cooperation will help to ensure everyone's safety and will help us to ensure that we are able to interview you as quickly as possible.
Visa Processing Fee and Application Procedures
Persons applying in Germany for a visa to travel to the United States are required to complete an online payment confirmation form in order to obtain a secure receipt for the visa processing fee.
The online payment confirmation procedure is a quick, secure and cost-effective method for visa applicants to demonstrate they have paid the visa processing fee when they visit the Consular Section in Berlin, Frankfurt or Munich for their visa interview.
PLEASE NOTE: This procedure applies only to visitors applying for a visa. Visitors traveling on the Visa Waiver Program do not require a visa and are not subject to this procedure. This procedure also does not apply to applicants who have already transferred the visa processing fee prior to August 1, 2005.
Completing the payment confirmation form online takes only a few minutes and is free of charge if the applicant provides an e-mail address for delivery of the secure digital receipt.
How does the online confirmation service work?
The online payment confirmation service is provided by Roskos & Meier OHG, a subsidiary of the Allianz Group. The Roskos & Meier web site can be accessed directly via http://www.roskosmeier.de/index.php?visa_en.
Step 1: Applicants complete and submit the payment confirmation form as directed, specifying how they would like to receive the secure receipt (by e-mail, mail, or personal collection)
Step 2: Online applicants then receive an e-mail message containing payment instructions and a personal account number to use for the bank transfer. The visa application fee is EUR 80 per person.
Step 3: Once Roskos & Meier has confirmed that payment has been made into the appropriate personal account, applicants will be sent a digitally-signed receipt, which they must present at their visa interview as proof of payment.
Important for the visa interview:
Please note that the Visa Deposit Slip needs to be presented at the visa interview as proof of payment and not the bank receipt!
Because of the time required to affect the bank transfer, it could take several days to receive the payment confirmation. Generally, applicants should have sufficient time to obtain their payment receipt before their visa interview.
Regarding payments from an EU country:
Please be sure to use BIC (Bank Identifier Code/S.W.I.F.T Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account Number) for your transfer from any EU country.
Applicants without Internet access can submit the required information by phone or by letter, although this may prolong the payment confirmation process and creates additional costs. See the Roskos & Meier web site for more details.
Applicants with questions regarding confirmation payment procedures are asked to call the Visa Information Service at 0900 1-850055 (EUR 1.86/min), for clarification.
The U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany endeavors to make the visa application process as transparent and easy to follow as possible. We have undertaken the new procedure outlined above to achieve a balance between our need for a secure, cost-effective method of tracking payment of the visa-processing fee and the interests of those applying for a visa to visit the United States of America.
• In urgent cases,
• or if an applicant's visa interview is scheduled to take place within 4 work days,
• or if applicants do not have Internet access,
• or for payments from abroad,
it is possible to submit the stamped bank receipt with the visa application after transferring the required visa processing fee to the following bank account:
U.S. Embassy
Dresdner Bank AG Berlin
Bank Routing Number (BLZ): 120 800 00
Account No. (Kontonr.): 405 125 7600
Note: Requests for a refund of the visa processing fee should be directed exclusively to the Chief of the Consular Section in Berlin, Clayallee 170, 14195 Berlin. Refunds of this fee are rarely granted, and generally only in cases in which the embassy has made an error in processing the visa application. In the case in which a visa request has been refused or an applicant has erroneously paid the fee twice, a refund will not be approved.
Application Procedures
Visa Application Forms
The DS-156 Electronic Visa Application Form (EVAF) must be completed online, and can be accessed at http://evisaforms.state.gov
You can download forms DS-157 (Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application) and DS-158 (Contact Information And Work History for Nonimmigrant Visa Applicant) here in both English and German.
Who has to submit which forms?
• Form DS-156 (Nonimmigrant Visa Application) has to be submitted by all nonimmigrant visa applicants.
• Form DS-157 (Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application) has to be submitted by all male nonimmigrant visa applicants between the ages of 16 and 45, regardless of nationality and regardless of where they apply.
• Form DS-158 (Contact Information And Work History for Nonimmigrant Visa Applicant) has to be submitted by all applicants seeking F, J and M visas.
The application forms should be sent along with the necessary documentation to the consular section in Berlin, Frankfurt or Munich.
If you need more space to answer any question, use the bottom half of the back of the application form, making sure that all answers are clearly numbered. Please leave the top half free for our office use.
Visitors Business or Pleasure Visitors
Tips for U.S. Visas - Business or Pleasure Visitors
B-1 Temporary visitor for business
B-2 Temporary visitor for pleasure
[ 本帖最后由 假若 于 2007-3-22 02:30 编辑 ] Consular Districts for Visa Applications
Please make an appointment for a visa interview:
Tel: 0900 1-850055 (EUR 1.86/min). Live Service, 7am to 8pm, Monday - Friday.
Berlin: Clayallee 170, 14195 Berlin
The Embassy in Berlin processes applications for nonimmigrant visas - except K (fiance/fiancee), E-1 (treaty trader), and E-2 (investor) visas.
New Address: Gießener Str. 30, 60435 Frankfurt am Main.
The Consulate General Frankfurt accepts all applications for nonimmigrant visas. In addition, Frankfurt processes all applications for immigrant and K (fiance/fiancee) visas (both categories by appointment only), E-1 (treaty trader) and E-2 (investor) visas for individuals in Germany.
München: Königinstraße 5, 80539 München.
Munich's Non-Immigrant Visa Section was opened July 5, 2006. The Consulate General in Munich processes applications for nonimmigrant visas - except K (fiance/fiancee), E-1 (treaty trader), and E-2 (investor) visas.
[ 本帖最后由 假若 于 2007-3-17 23:49 编辑 ] If You were Refused a Visa
Visa Refusals are not subject to appeal. Applicants are welcome to reapply for a visa when there is a significant change in their personal circumstances.
If you were refused a visa, you can contact the following email addresses:
Email: ConsBerlin@state.gov
Email: FrankfurtSpecialNIV@state.gov If Your Passport with a Visa has Expired
If your passport containing a still valid visa has expired, you may travel with two passports - your expired passport containing the valid U.S. visa and your unexpired passport. 2)签证申请费
3)签证申请表 – DS-156申请表
5)补充申请表 – DS-157 / DS-158表
签证处建议申请人将签证申请材料译成英文。F-1和M-1(及其家庭成员F-2和M-2)签证申请人面谈时,必须携带SEVISI-20表原件,J-1和J-2签证申请人面谈时,必须携带SEVIS DS-2019表原件。所有需要移民局批文的申请人(H、L、O、P和Q签证)面谈时,必须携带由美国移民局签发的I-797表原件。
[ 本帖最后由 假若 于 2007-3-17 23:37 编辑 ] 好贴$支持$ $支持$ $支持$$支持$$支持$ 原帖由 沉落湖心 于 2007-3-18 10:15 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
好贴$支持$ $支持$