haoren 发表于 2007-3-17 23:55


多年前和EX分手, 是我提出的

分手一年后他努力想挽回, 我不置可否

分手两年后他曾写过信,说无论过去, 现在, 将来我都在他心中是无可代替的

现在想和他联系一下, 没什么别的什么意思, 就是看看他怎样了

Do you think we have ever been friends?
> > At least to me, there was only one relationship
> > between us, I can hardly be your friend, cause I
> don't
> > know how to face you, calmly talking to you.

I don't know when I can calmly talking to you like I am
talking to a regular friend, but now, I am afraid of
thinking about what happened in the past.

For us, I think I have got used to the way we were
together, and can hardly keep a relation like regular
friends, or meet and talk to each other like friends
getting together.

显然不想和我有什么联系, 大家分析一下, 他话里话外是什么意思, 难道他还对我有感情?

珍珠丸子 发表于 2007-3-18 00:39


knacht 发表于 2007-3-18 01:33

回复 #1 haoren 的帖子


bunnyhoney 发表于 2007-3-18 02:40

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