求助求助,有会用matlab gui 的高手么,急需帮助
RT,最近在用matlba做praktikum,用到gui,可是以前没学过,找了很多书也搞不懂,谁知道,能指点一二么 劝楼主花点时间好好看一下matlab里面的帮助,或者可以到网上找一些资料或者例子看看。建一个复杂的gui是需要很多基础和经验的。 just try to read the help documentation, its v good explained.
gui graphic user interface can be programmed with VB , VC, matlab gui is v similar to the VB
you just pull the bottons in the interface and edit the click effect
so called handels are variables or matrix which are used for intern data transfer 我马上可能也会遇到这个问题, 确实比较晕