Sichuan Shuizhuyu / Spiced Fish Stew 四川水煮鱼反正不是正宗的水煮鱼,纯粹就是想吃点中餐。因为材料和成本有限,只能就地取材了。在这里买芫荽的钱,可以在国内吃顿水煮鱼了。 如果有四川的朋友就不要怪罪了。
吃完后的反应就是胃疼。。。。辣得小命也配上了。。。 :oops: 反正下一次的水煮鱼。。。可能要等下辈子了。。我怕了。。
800-1000克 鱼柳(淡水鱼较佳)
250-300克 食用油
3大勺 辣豆瓣
1大块 姜片
8粒 蒜片
3根 葱段
2把 花椒粒
1碗 干红辣椒
2/3大勺 辣椒面
2大勺 加饭料酒
2/3大勺 生抽酱油
700-800毫升 上汤
1/3小勺 胡椒粉
1/2小勺 食盐
1小勺 白糖
适量 鸡精
1个 蛋白
2/3 小勺 食盐
1大勺 料酒
2大勺 玉米淀粉
1/2颗 西生菜
1碗 水发黑木耳
150克 青瓜,切片
800-1000 g Fish fillets (preferably river or lake fish)
250-300 g Cooking oil
3 tbsp Hot bean sauce
1 chunk Ginger root, sliced
8 clove Garlic, sliced
3 stalk Scallion
2 handful Sichuan peppercorns
1 rice bowl Sichuan dried chilli
2/3 tbsp Chilli flakes
2 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
700-800 ml Stock
1/3 tsp Pepper powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar
Chicken powder to taste
1 Egg white
2/3 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
2 tbsp Cornstarch
#Salad Base:
1/2 head Iceberg
1 rice bowl Black fungus, soaked in water
150 g Cucumber, sliced
1. 鱼柳洗净,一切三片,用餐巾抹干水份放入一个大碗里,加入腌料抓匀,放置30分钟。蔬菜洗净后入碗备用。炒锅入适量油,中火烧热后入鱼片。鱼肉开始转透明白色,2分钟左右即可捞起放到一个铺了餐巾的盘子里滤油备用。
Rinse the fish fillets and cut each into 3 pieces. Dry the fish well with a clean kitchen cloth. Combine the fish with the marinade in a large bowl and set aside for about 30 minutes.Prepare the salad base in a bowl. Heat up some oil in a wok or heavy skillet and slowly stir in the marinated fish. Cook until fish just starts to turn white, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain.
2. 炒锅内留2大勺左右的油,放入辣豆瓣爆香,加入姜蒜,一半葱段,辣椒面,花椒粒和干红辣椒各半中火翻炒。完全出味后,淋入加饭酒和生抽,继续翻炒。加入上汤,大火烧开。加入胡椒粉,盐,鸡精和白糖调味。鱼片回锅烹煮约3分钟熄火。小心将鱼片倒入蔬菜碗内。
Pour off the frying oil, leaving about 2 tablespoons in the pan. Add in hot bean sauce and stir until fragrant. Stir in ginger, garlic, half scallion sections, chilli flakes, half of each Sichuan peppercorns and dried chilli. Stir over the medium heat until their fragrance is fully released. Drizzle in rice wine and light soya sauce. Continue stirring. Pour in stock, adjusting the heat to high, and bring to a boil. Season it with pepper, salt, chicken powder and white sugar. Return fish to the skillet and cook for about 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour the fish stew into the prepared bowl with salad.
3. 另取一小锅,倒入200克食用油烧热。倒入另一半花椒粒和干红辣椒,小火慢炒出香味,趁热淋在鱼上。洒上芫荽或葱段。
Heat up 200 grams of oil in another pan. Add in another half peppercorns and dried chilli. Stir till fragrant over the slow heat. Pour over the fish and garnish with the curled, drained spring onions or coriander leaves.
Fish In Broth With Pickled Leaf Mustard / 酸菜鱼
1000克 淡水鱼柳
300克 泡渍青菜
1/2大勺 料酒
1个 蛋白
2大勺 玉米淀粉
1小勺 食盐
适量 食用油
1块 姜片
6-8粒 蒜头
1小勺 花椒
1500毫升 凉水
1大勺 料酒
1小勺 食盐
1/2小勺 胡椒粉
20克 泡椒
1小勺 红油
适量 鸡精
1把 葱花
1000 g Fish fillets from river or lake
300 g Pickled leaf mustard
1/2 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
1 pc Egg white
2 tbsp Cornstarch
1 tsp Salt
Cooking oil
1 chunk Ginger root
6-8 clove Garlic
1 tsp Sichuan peppercorns
1500 ml Water
1 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper powder
20 g Pickled pepperoni
1 tsp Red chilli oil
Chicken bouillon
1 handful Scallion, chopped
1. 鱼洗净用餐巾抹干,每件鱼柳片成的3片。拌入腌料,搁置30分钟。蒜姜切片,泡椒切成细末。
Clean the fish fillets and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. Slice each fish fillet into 3 pieces. Mix in marinade and set aside for about 30 minutes. Cut garlic and ginger into slices. Chop the pickled pepperoni.
2. 烧热油锅,入蒜姜和花椒粒爆出香味,加入酸菜翻炒1分钟。倒入水烧沸。淋入料酒,食盐和胡椒粉调味继续煮8-10分钟。小心放入鱼片煮3-4分钟。
Heat up a skillet with some oil and stir in ginger, garlic and peppercorns until fragrant. Add in pickled leaf mustard to stir 1 minute. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Drizzle in rice wine, salt and pepper. Cook 8-10 minutes further. Carefully drop in fish fillets and cook for 3-4 minutes.
3. 同时用另一个小锅烧开适量的油,下泡椒和红油炒出香味后,倒入鱼锅内煮1-2分钟。用鸡精调味后倒入盆里,洒上葱花即可。
Meanwhile Heat up a small pan with some oil. Stir in pickled pepperoni and red chilli oil. Pour over the fish and cook for 1-2 minutes. Season it with chicken bouillon and transfer to a serving bowl. Sprinkle chopped scallion over.
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2007-6-30 21:28 编辑 ] $送花$ $送花$ $送花$ $送花$ $送花$ 看了好饿。。。:( 嘿嘿,好吃阿~好吃$汗$
还想吃$汗$ 额是四川人啊,看得额直咽口水啊 :) :) $支持$ :o $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ 好漂亮哦 大师出手,就是不一样,口水哗哗