下了其他的版本也不行, 关掉卡巴斯基开始可以,可是打完一个电话就很难登陆上去了,就算登陆上去了,一会也调了~~ 貌似是有点问题. 可是我问了下我的室友她就没有问题啊:mad:
说是注册服务器的通讯出现错误,这个是什么问题啊~ 原帖由 bleforever 于 2007-8-16 12:37 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
下了其他的版本也不行, 关掉卡巴斯基开始可以,可是打完一个电话就很难登陆上去了,就算登陆上去了,一会也调了~~
疑?奇怪了,你一说我刚刚也试了下,居然也登不上。应该是服务器问题吧,等等就好。 我的也不行,今天一整天都上不去,还在纳闷呢.原来大家也是啊 The latest on the Skype sign-on issue
ByVillu Arak on August 16, 2007.
Hello everyone,
Apologies for the delay, but we can now update you on the Skype sign-on issue. As we continue to work hard at resolving the problem, we wanted to dispel some of the concerns that you may have. The Skype system has not crashed or been victim of a cyber attack. We love our customers too much to let that happen. This problem occurred because of a deficiency in an algorithm within Skype networking software. This controls the interaction between the user’s own Skype client and the rest of the Skype network.
Rest assured that everyone at Skype is working around the clock — from Tallinn to Luxembourg to San Jose — to resume normal service as quickly as possible.
(Updated at 10pm GMT) 我也发现有这问题