bluemoon 发表于 2007-9-26 15:02

原帖由 Julie-Ji 于 2007-9-26 15:57 发表

还8,一会儿人家真找专业人士找你来了!! $m14$

哈哈,偶怕怕啦,咱8点别的还不行嘛?$汗$ $汗$

lola118 发表于 2007-9-26 17:01

原帖由 Amore 于 2007-9-26 15:13 发表




tear 发表于 2007-9-26 17:10


na 发表于 2007-9-26 21:53

这都哪根哪啊,:mad: :mad: 完了,我又落伍了。。。$NO$ $NO$

狐狸男爵的尾巴 发表于 2007-9-27 12:37

tear 发表于 2007-9-27 21:01

原帖由 狐狸男爵的尾巴 于 2007-9-27 13:37 发表

这和你邮箱设置的过滤器级别有关,gmail的比较好,sina, 163, 263, yahoo, hotmail, online的都不行。
做法之一是建立一个常用的办公的邮箱,这个不要对外留,一般骚扰信是google出你留在网上的EMAIL才攻击 ...


发件人 :Liu WANG <>
发送 :2007年6月22日 20:38:35
主题 :Your next travel in China


Dear xxx,

I know that you will go in China next week.

Why not remain in China ? I think that you will be happy to find a social life ...

Your life in France doesn't seem very happy...

you don't meet anybody. You don't have many friends, whereas in China your friends await you.

Are you really happy with this French ? Is it present for you ? Is it available for you ?

Reflect well and stop wasting your life and his life ... You have the occasion to start again your life in a few days...

Your daughter will be happy with him in France. She will have more facilities than you to adapt you.

You must think of the happiness of your small daughter. She has to learn still much from the life.

Your friend ....

Liu Wang

tear 发表于 2007-9-27 21:02

发件人 :Liu WANG <>
发送 :2007年8月11日 9:37:37
收件人 :"" <>
主题 :News of your trip in China this summer


Dear Friend,

Several of my messages remained unanswered of your share...

I am in liaison with your family. I know that your trip in China was very good. Your daughter was very happy to see her friends and her family.
Help her to be happy. Her life in France is not very easy ... You can help your daughter if you return in China ... Its origins are low there... even if her true father left...

We know you and me that you are not very happy. You don't work. Your husband works each day. He is back to house very late.

Are you sure that he is happy ? Your husband returns the evening late...
Did its behavior change?

Like all Chinese, I know that you dream of a better life... but it is not with go.
It is time to pass to another thing... Leave your husband with your daughter... and take yours and set out again in China.

I can help you ... Look at the behavior of your husband and you will understand that it is not sure any more of him... You are not the only one at whom that arrives.

Best Regards,

Liu Wang

Besoin d'un e-mail ? Cr閑z gratuitement un compte Windows Live Hotmail et b閚閒iciez de 2 Go de stockage ! Windows Live Hotmail

tear 发表于 2007-9-27 21:03

发件人 :<>
发送 :2007年9月23日 12:56:26
主题 :Hello xxx


Dear xxx, How are you ?

Indeed, you are wrong to trust in your husband.

Have you reason to trust in him? His behaviour is changed since some time?

Perhaps he loves an another girl. Do you ask question?
The French men are foreseeable when they are married with foreign women... They grow tired of this situation and tell themselves that the life with a French woman is nicer.

Leave before he tells you to leave. Don't lose your pride. Take back your freedom and return him his freedom. Leave again with your daughter, her a need of its origins, what husband will know how to be in charge of your 2nd daughter and she will be happy.

I can help you if you want.

Give me a news from you.


[ 本帖最后由 tear 于 2007-9-27 22:06 编辑 ]

茏茏葱葱 发表于 2007-9-27 21:04

原帖由 tear 于 2007-9-27 22:01 发表



发件人 :Liu WANG
发送 :2007年6月22日 20:38:35
主题 :Your next ...

这个人认识你??? :o

tear 发表于 2007-9-27 21:04

$闭嘴$ 你说这样经常无聊的写这样的信给我,有什么企图吗?所以我想知道这信是来自哪里?
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