first of all,are you sure that you can get a germany PR after one more year?
secondly, what is the PR short for?permit resi.or german nationality,thats totally different thing.
if you talk about visa and travel free,i think Germany .Nationality is usefull.
i have samilar situation like you,but my proffessor highly recomand me to go usa for more chances.
also i notice that as a non-mother togue, i could never be a professor in germany.
keep in touch
marchpony 你要是对我有意见可以单独开贴说。打扰大家了不好意思。
to lz.
北美发展机会多。 生物,生物信息现在中国人在美国很多高校是系主任。其他专业机会应该也是更多。 德国的话,不论找工作还是科研,都需要德语,在德国高校很多时候还要给学生上课或者作辅导。从发展提升来说,北美好。
德国福利好,社会安全,德国人严谨认真,有教养,有礼貌,比较有社会道德。 在德国待的日子久了满满的就被他们熏陶和感染了,从后代的教育和养老来说,德国好。
to orionsnow
Hi, your English is pretty fine :)For us foreigners it is better to use the language than hide behind others, support you!I also suffered a lot writing my papers and thesis, however, now my boss always wonders if I have had native speakers corrected my writings before giving to him for corrections $汗$ hehe... learning by doing, not only language, actually.Afterall, it gains.In my case, the professor who invited me for postdoc will support me for Habilitation.This is quite a good chance also, not necessarily promissing in the U.S., since the big shots already usually had their own circles anyway, we 'little ones' don't count anything to them, just cheap workers struggling for the future.Of course it is still very attractive!
Another negative point is the U.S. visa...Chinese are often locked up there not daring going home or to foreign conferences, which is definitely drawing us back from private and academic lifes.
That is why I'm hesitating...
About German Perminant Residence, or even nationality, I consider it at least a promising freedom to go home or join conferences, or any later professional possibilities.Also for us not so young already, it seems like important to plan for the retirement from now on...
Actually I'm thinking of starting the Habilitation, then still can apply for personal grant (anyway better for Habilitation also) to go to the U.S. for a couple of years.There're Germans around doing that, successful.Teaching in Germany sometimes can be in English, specially now the language of science is English at all, but it still has to be checked out.Teaching I do anyway when doing my PhD, in English, welcomed by students.Certainly I'm waiting for the prof. to confirm it still...
Wish you also good luck!
回复 #7 雨蝶 的帖子
hi, thanks!Actually the two points you picked for me it's no problem.My German level is around or slightly better than B1, had a test (not official Goethe test).If really required I can think of getting a Goethe test done...Postdoc in Germany usually always work position... 原帖由 marchpony 于 2007-9-28 17:09 发表在这里都不行,估计去美国也白费。回国应该挺适合你的意识形态。
$bs$ $bs$ $bs$
你行,我知道你行的! 原帖由 yayawawa 于 2007-9-29 23:33 发表
hi, thanks!Actually the two points you picked for me it's no problem.My German level is around or slightly better than B1, h ad a test (not official Goethe test).If really required I can thi ...
如果你没有在德国念过大学,需要融合班的60个学时,不是德语学时,而是关于德国文化风俗方面的。另外现在有入籍考试了,如果没在德国念过大学,你的b1水平比需要有证明,不一定需要歌德学院的,只要是德国的语言学校的证明应该都好用。如果这些都有,你可以开始申请入籍了,7年的时候就可以申请了。祝你好运。 原帖由 orionsnow 于 2007-9-28 17:46 发表
marchpony 你要是对我有意见可以单独开贴说。
to lz.
就是建议你确认下相关规定,看看是不是能拿到你想要的,居留或者是签证或 ...
说实话, tenure 的很多, 系主任真的还比较少, 饶毅还专门发文章说过这个的。 在本版讨论问题请尽量使用中文,如果要锻炼英语请去英语沙龙。
请个别网友注意,讨论问题不要带人身攻击。 原帖由 WWJYUKI 于 2007-9-30 13:44 发表
说实话, tenure 的很多, 系主任真的还比较少, 饶毅还专门发文章说过这个的。
如果我没有记错的话, 哈福生物信息的系主任是熊sir.(很多年前听老师的,名字忘记了)
现在生物统计类比较有名的是 Htsu. 不过好些人,名字是中国式实际上是第二代或者第三代。并不是中国大陆过去的。