Don't forget the market in America
As the most of us just concentrate on China or HongKong, should we have a look at the American market. I bought Apple, Google, Garmin and some others several weeks ago. Now all of them raise more or less. Especially the Apple, has raised more than 30% just in a few weeks. I think Apple and Google should be the good stocks for long term investment.As the Christmas comes near, Apple's products do sell good.
Google has shown its leading position in Internet Advertising especially in field of mobile internet. Google dominates the market and this will keep going on.
Better spread your money in different markets. When this side goes down, that side will go up.
[ 本帖最后由 gast 于 2007-10-23 16:36 编辑 ] and Cadana:) 原帖由 suki2007 于 2007-10-23 16:41 发表
and Cadana:)
Canada ist zu kalt. :) 美国市场是全世界的领头羊,但是领得比较吃力。从n-tv给出的基金增长情况来看,一年内投资中国股市的基金增长最快。三年内主要是投资中国或者南美(巴西)的基金增长最快。五年内主要还是拉丁美洲,另外还有印度股市基金增长最快。
投资中国的基金我已经有了,这个是不言而喻的。;) 原帖由 gast 于 2007-10-23 17:51 发表
Canada ist zu kalt. :)
由于美元贬值的原因,加拿大的基金比美国的基金增长更好。所以,别看不起加拿大。$bye$ 原帖由 xiaobailong 于 2007-10-23 20:28 发表
Du kennst nur Fonds. :( 原帖由 gast 于 2007-10-23 20:49 发表
Du kennst nur Fonds. :(
俺胆子比较小,买基金包括手续费跌了9%就已经大惊小怪的了.如果买股票, 一天跌个20%, 俺可怎么办呢?
所以, 珍爱生命, 远离股票! $bye$ why do you always tell us about your stocks after they are already rocket high? today all financial news talked about apple$怒吼$ 原帖由 万里挑一 于 2007-10-23 23:20 发表
why do you always tell us about your stocks after they are already rocket high? today all financial news talked about apple$怒吼$
另:gast应该是转贴,不是自己藏私。别生气。$ok$ Gast阿,那个Dynpro到底是什么啊,$汗$