新年malta 旅游
请问。。。malta 年底去气候好吗?4天够不够玩的 $汗$
谢谢您的帮助 $送花$ 基本已经明白了。。。古狗了一下下。。。:) 可以把google地贴过来给大家共享一下嘛:P 吉祥网友:请注意发帖内容
[ 本帖最后由 潇潇泉伊 于 2007-11-7 22:38 编辑 ] 新年去那里是不是不要签证了? I was there in September. Did not need an extra visa besides the EU multi-entry visa.You should be able to get the weather forecast a few days before your trip.If the water/weather is cold, you could miss some fun there. Sorry I can't write in Chinese with this PC.
By the way, English is commently used in Malta. Malta 冬天去应该也是 ok 的,很多朋友冬天都有去 Malta 旅游的经历
那边签证是完全不需要的,从 Malta 还有去 西西里的船,那边物价不低。 太好了,不需要额外的签证。:D $支持$ 不是说机场的边境检查估计要到明年3月底才能完全取消么,之前维持以前的规定