国内有一朋友天津大学马上毕业,想申请这边的博士。我想帮她先找找,不知道我能不能帮上这个忙$汗$ 申请DAAD奖学金比较好。。读博士,上google找一下哪里有这方面的研究所,现联系教授吧。。 谢谢! 我一会找找看
回复 #3 snakegirl 的帖子
建议你的朋友可以到DAAD北京办事处去咨询,那里可以得到很多相关适用的信息。 他是环境的那个方向阿,这边环境方面的奖学金还是挺多的。我们学校就有几个中国的奖学金博士生。[ 本帖最后由 joytuhh 于 2007-12-14 09:21 编辑 ]
回复 #1 snakegirl 的帖子
4 PhD Positions in Environmental Chemistry/Microbiologyeach for a period of 3 years with salary according to E13/2. The PhD work will be carried out in the context of funded research projects in the following areas: surface catalyzed degradation of pesticides, NAPL/water interfacial chemistry, biodegradation of corrosion inhibitors and reactivity of NOM/mineral systems towards pollutants.Successful applicants require an excellent university degree in environmental sciences, chemistry or microbiology and may benefit from the International PhD-Program “GEOENVIRON” offered by the university.
The Center of Applied Geosciences (ZAG) is one the largest university research centers in Europe focusing on applied environmental research in the subsurface. For more information see http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/zag/ or contact: Prof. Stefan Haderlein, Environmental Mineralogy/Environmental Chemistry.
In case of equal qualification and experience physically challenged applicants are given preference. The University of Tübingen aims to increase the fraction of women in research and teaching and encourages applications of female scientists. Employment will take place via the Central Administration of the University.
Please send your application with a detailed curriculum vitae, a publication list, a statement of your research interests, and the names of two potential referees before January 28 to:
Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften
c/o Herrn Björn Sack-Kühner
Sigwartstraße 10
D-72076 Tübingen, Germany. daad 申请满复杂的
我觉得申请已经下来的项目找人的那种比较方便 谢谢大家了 ! 原帖由 nutela 于 2007-12-21 12:41 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
daad 申请满复杂的
至少我这么觉得... 建议在德国读一个环境方面的Master,直接申请很难.