Post-doc position in ecological statistics and eco-informatics
Max-Planck-Institut für BiogeochemieJena
MPI für Biogeochemie
Post-doc position in ecological statistics and eco-informatics
Bereich: The junior research group "Organismic Biogeochemistry".
Stellenangebot vom 15. Februar 2008
three years
The position is offered in a new interdisciplinary DFG research group devoted to establish a forest biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiment in China (BEF China). The candidate will take a central position in the German-Chinese consortium and will be responsible for implementing and maintaining the project database and for supporting the statistical analysis of the project data. In addition, the candidate is encouraged to develop and pursue his own research agenda in ecological statistics and functional biodiversity research within the framework of the project.
The applicants should have a strong background in informatics and advanced statistics and a keen interest in ecological questions. They should be familiar with a professional database language (preferably MySQL) and the statistical language R. They are excellent team-players, fluent in English and have successfully published in the past. They are prepared to travel to China at least once a year. Language skills in Chinese would be a plus.
Salary and benefits are commensurate with those of public service organizations in Germany.
in written form or per E-Mail.
Please send your application, including a statement of your research interests and qualifications, curriculum vitae, copies of your certificates, and contact details of three academic referees.
The Max-Planck-Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. The Max-Planck-Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Dr. Christian Wirth
Hans-Knöll-Straße 10
07745 Jena
Fon: ++49-3641-576225
Post-doc eco
Weitere Informationen
Website des Instituts post-doc一下子就给三年的合同啊。:o 竟然是在我曾经奋斗过的地方。。。
$汗$ 原帖由 stubor 于 2008-3-5 09:22 发表
恩,是比较少见, 一般是有某些项目支持的。 哪个项目是三年的,或者更久的。
我这次签的post-doc 是两年半的, 那个老板说如果马上上班可以给三年的,只不过我还没有毕业,所以就给了两年半的。
上次去卡塞尔谈的那个也是三年的。 他们哪个项目是8年的。