bombomman 发表于 2008-7-10 21:56

我说,难道果饭们不关心一下iphone 2.0吗

今天已经下载来itunes 7.7了。上来app store下了个免费的软件,但不是2.0不能装。期待高手们赶快破解吧。
游戏貌似都挺贵。不过打算买个super monkey ball玩。其他的就不舍得花钱了。。。。。

活死人 发表于 2008-7-10 23:01


dominoes 发表于 2008-7-11 00:49
The new iPhone OS 2.0 software has been unlocked and jailbroken. It was released just hours ago and it has already been cracked by the iPhone Dev Team. The first one took a couple of months, but this one was actually unlocked before Apple released it to the public. And you have had the proof in front of you all morning.

If you were wondering how I was doing push email tests on iPhone OS 2.0 and Vodafone UK, this is the reason why. The code wizard commandos at the iPhone Dev Team have been working on this non-stop since the early days of beta testing. In fact, I had iPhone OS 2.0 running on my iPhone since last week. That was version 5A345, two below 5A347, but identical in functionality.

Now that the official iPhone OS 2.0 is out, the iPhone Dev Team will release their Pwnage tool for everyone to unlock and jailbreak their iPhones soon, although the specific date/time is not firm yet. It may not be as interesting as before—since most countries now have the iPhone and it will be impossible to buy without doing a contract first—but people looking to install unsigned applications and buy pay-as-you-go cards while traveling—instead of roaming—will find it very useful.

And besides, we don't get tired of seeing the Death Star exploding again and again.

xeonrong 发表于 2008-7-11 01:00

楼主去weiphone看看吧,好多人在等,你当当小白鼠吧:D :D

mimi27 发表于 2008-7-11 07:31


feldhoch 发表于 2008-7-11 12:03

$NO$ Touch升级还要银子滴.先观望一下再说

HeinrichDeutsch 发表于 2008-7-11 14:49


qinaotian 发表于 2008-7-11 16:38


coolnetboy 发表于 2008-7-11 17:17

注意3G的firmware 和2G版本的不太一样,

coolnetboy 发表于 2008-7-11 17:18

另外今天试了试同学买的iphone 3G 那个中文手写很好用阿 ,这下如果便宜可以给老爸老妈买个用了
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