是NUS老板的回信,感觉人家很有诚意,实际上我写的是委婉的据信,Yes, thanks. I understand.
Singapore is certainly one of the best place on earth for a Chinese to live in. It is clean, free, unpolluted, safe, and a beautifuyl city where people of abilities can live well working hard. Most of the people are chinese, but the city is cosmopolitan. The funding situation for young faculty is unbeatable - young faculty receive at least 1 million dollar start up grant now on tenure track job.
NUS is a good university.
My ex-student xxxxxwho did Ph.D. with me, and whom you have met in the conference,
is now recommended by me to become assistant professor in our department, this is a tenure track position. he will soon join our department as a young professor
So faculty job is possible. Your chance should be good if you do well and publish good papers
since you have a good track record and a good pedigree.
Our team is very big - with as many as ten over postdocs. So there are people working on synthesis of organic materials, computational chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, solar cell etc.
The theme is graphene.
because this is a big program funded 10 milliond ollar by singapore government, we have a strong team to compete with the world
Right now directly in my team there are 6 postdocs and 17 students and one research assistant.
I hope you can join and I will do my best to help your next-stage career, like I did for my students.
Most of them have permanent stable scientific jobs now in SIngapore, I will introduce u to many of such when youc ome- some are senior scientists in research institutes, some are research managers, and Dr chen wei is asst professor in our department soon
I believe we have a good chance to do impactful work on graphene, you can work for two years, and then apply for a post as asst professor in NUS or Nanyang technological University. After two years here and if you publish well and do well, I can propose you for the NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION fellowship, this ties in with an assistant professor postin NUS or NTU if you are selected, and a start up grant of minimum 1 US MILLION.
With our recommendation and connection, it should have a better chance. 原帖由 xuena4ever 于 2008-7-23 10:56 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
可惜啊,8月26号俺们fzd所有的doktoranden都拉出去doktoranden seminar。。。。
这认识很容易的,你们所的楼和俺们的楼就是隔壁。你要真来了,来日方长。 看来mm是牛人,人家都抢呢!
俺学长,在新加坡呆过的,老觉得新加坡爽,因为游泳池1年四季都开着。但是好像说湿度也很大很大的。要是他们邀请你去面试,你实地考察一下就好了。 原帖由 xuena4ever 于 2008-7-18 14:54 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
1) one from national university of Singapore, graphene+OFETs projects,4800 $ after tax, never been in singapore,
2) one from research center of Dresden, Germany."Molecular beamepitaxy of...
4 offer $高$ $高$ $高$ 做这个决策之前,楼主首先要问自己一个问题,你到底想要什么样的生活,是女强人还是家庭主妇,这个是做人的目标,zielorientiert,下面简单分析一下:
1)首选新加坡,那是做的是organic field effect transistors,这个项目的工业化前景很好,是有机化学目前一个热门的方向。
[ 本帖最后由 adlershof 于 2008-7-23 12:05 编辑 ] 俺们这单身的好男生,还真是不多。。。。。。。。。。