aquahd 发表于 2008-7-22 21:39

太棒了$支持$ $支持$

janny2008 发表于 2008-7-23 11:15

chanting and dancing
goumet delicacy instead of god-made...

南宋无间道 发表于 2008-7-23 12:07

里面的同学也在听这个 $m2$

南宋无间道 发表于 2008-7-23 13:23

40‘ - 58’


In fact most of the 25 types of fresh water turtles in China are vanishingly rare.

The answer to extinction is protection and the there is a network of nature reserves throughout southern China. Of these the Tianzi mountain reserve in Zhang Jia Jie is perhaps most visited by Chinese nature lovers. It’s come to marvel by gravity defined soaring sand pinnacles. Winding between Zhang Jia Jie’s peaks crystal clear mountain steams are home to what perhaps the strangest creature in China. This bizarre animal is a kind of newt, the Chinese giant salamander. In China it’s called the baby fish because when depressed it makes a sound like a crying infant. It grows to one and half meters, making it the world’s largest amphibian. Under natural conditions giant salamander can live decades, but like other animals in China it’s thought to be delicious to eat. Despite being classed as protected species giant salamanders are illegally sold for food, and now baby fish is rare and in danger in the wild. Fortunately in a few areas like Zhang Jia Jie giant salamanders still survive under strict official protection.

The rivers in Zhang Jia Jie flow northeast to the Yang’s flat plane, known as the land of fish and rice. On an island of a lake in Anhui Province, a dragon is stirring. This is the ancestor home of Chinese largest and rarest reptile, a creature with mystery and legend. Dragon eggs are greatly prized, these babies need to hatch out quick. It was seem someone is on their tram. For a helpless baby reptile, imprisoned in a leathery membrane inside a choky shell, the process of hatching is titanic struggle. And time is running out. It takes two hours for the little dragon the get its head out of the egg. It needs to gather its strength now for the one final *** push. Free at last the Chinese little alligators instinctively head up towards the surface of the nest and the outside world.

But the visitors are not they seem. Xue shuzhen and her son live nearby, Xue has been caring for her local alligators for over 20 years, so she had a fair idea where the eggs are likely to hatch. Back home she’s built a pond surrounded by netting to keep out predators, where her charges will spend the next 6 months until they are big enough to defend for themselves. For the past 20 years, small scale conservation like this are all that kept China’s 150 wild alligators from extinction.

Just south of the alligator country, dawn breaks over a very different landscape, the 1800-meter high granite peaks of Huangshan or Yellow Mountain. To the Chinese Huangshan’s pines *** the strength resilience of nature. Some of these trees are thought to be over a thousand years old. Below the granite peaks, steep forests in valleys shelter a surprising inhabitant. Huangshan macaques, rare descendents of the Tibetan macaques of western China, are unique to these mountain valleys where they enjoy strict official protections. After the morning spent on the tree tops, the troop is heading to the shade of the valley, a chance for the grown-ups to escape the heat and maybe pick up a lunch smell in the stream. How’s in most monkey societies, social contact involves a lot of grooming. Grooming is all very well for grown-ups, but young macaques have attitude to burn. Like so much monkey business, what starts *** a playful rough and tumble, soon begins to get out of the pan. The alpha male has seen it all before, he’s not in the least bothered. But someone or something is watching with a less than friendly interest.

The Chinese *** is a *** predator with deadly bite. This is one of the China’s largest and most feared *** snakes. But the monkeys have lived along side this dangerous *** for thousands of years. They use this specific alarm call to warn each other whenever a snake is spotted. Once its cover is blown, the python poses no threat to the monkeys now safe in the tree tops. And life soon returns to normal.

By late summer the rice field in southern China has turned to gold. The time has come to bring in the harvest. Nowadays modern high-yield strains are grown through out much of the rice lands, *** by chemical fertilizers and ripped by combine harvesters. This is the great rice zone of China, producing near a quarter of the world’s rice. Insects stirred up by the noisy machines are snapped up by a gum of red-*** swallows, including this year’s youngsters who have fletched several weeks ago. This could be the good last *** before they head south for the winter. Mechanized farming works best in the flat bottom valleys of the low land, to the south in the terrestrials of Zhejiang Province an older and simpler life style exist.

It’s 7 in the morning and Longxian’s most successful business man is off to work. In the golden terrains surrounding the village, the year of rice is pump and ripe for harvesting. But today rice isn’t up the most in yang’s mind, he has a big fish to fry. Further in the valley the harvest has already begun. Yang’s fields are ripe too, but they haven’t been drained yet. That is because for him rice is not the main corp. the baskets he’s carried hill side give a clue to Yang’s business. Before he starts to work he needs to let some water out of the system. As the water level drops the mystery is revealed – golden carp.

Longxian’s villagers discover the benefit of transferring the wild caught carp into their paddy fields long ago. The tradition has been going on here for at least 700 years. As the water level in the paddy drops, bamboo gate stops the fish escaping. The beauty of this farming method is that it deliver two crops into the same field at the same time – fish and rice. Smarty *** like this is what enables China to be largely self sufficient in food, even today. Back in village Yang has his own small corps where he preserves his fish ready to market. Longxian carps have unusually soft scales and a very delicate flavor, perhaps as a result of the local water. Meanwhile outside this smoke corps there is something fishy going on. To mark the harvest , the village is staging in a party. Children from Longxian school have been preparing weeks for their big moments. Everyone in the community come here to support them. The rice growing cycle is complete.

By November northern China is becoming distinct chilly, but the south is still relatively warm and ***. Across the vast expands of Boyang Lake, the birds are gathering. *** swans are long distant migrants from north Siberia. To the Chinese they symbolize the essence of natural beauty. The Boyang Lake nature reserve offers winter refuge to more a quarter million birds of more than 100 species, creating one of southern China’s finest wild life experiences. The last birds to arrive at Boyang are those who have made the longest journey to get here, all the way from the Arctic coast of Siberia. The Siberian crane known in China as the white crane is seemed as a symbol of good luck. Each year almost the entire world of population of this critically in danger birds *** 9000 kilometers round trip to spend the winter at Boyang. Like the white cranes many of the south China’s unique animals face the pressure from exploitation and competition with people over space and resources. But if China is leaving proof of anything it is the wild life is surprisingly resilient. Given the right help even the rarest creature can return from the break. If we show the will, nature will find the way.

终于听完了 $m22$

janny2008 发表于 2008-7-24 10:32

回复 13# 的帖子


南宋无间道 发表于 2008-7-24 10:40


很好的学习的地方 $m15$

pinguo 发表于 2008-7-24 12:16


janny2008 发表于 2008-7-24 12:44

SE02,EP01 ,0-10'

Beneath billion clouds in China's far Southwest Yunnan province lies a place of mistery and legend. Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world, here hidden valley nurture stange and unique creatures, and colorful tribal cultures. Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics. Why did they thrive here and how has this rugged landscape come to harbor the greatest natural wealth in whole China.
In the remote southwest corner of China, a celebration is about to take place. Dai people collected water for the most important festival of the year. The Dai call themselves the people of the water. Yunnan's river valley have been their home for over 2,000 years. By bringing the river water to the temple, they honor the two things holiest to them, Buddhism and their home. The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile land which has nurtured their culture. ** some this might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time. Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernized, bug water splashing festival is still celebrated by all.
The rivers which lie in the heart of Dai life and culture flow from distant mountains of Tibet, southwest through central Yunnan, in great * gorges. The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos, but their legends tell how their ancestors came here by following the rivers from mountain lands in the cold far north. Lying at the far east of the Himalayas, the Hengduan mountains form Yunnan's northern border with Tibet. *, crown of the Hengduan ranges, is a site of holy pilgrimage. Yet its formidable peak remains unconquered. Yunnan's mountains are remote, rugged and inaccessible. Here the air is thin and the temperatures can drop to minus 40 degrees. This is home to an animal that is found nowhere else on earth- the Yunnan snubnose monkey. It's found only in the few isolated mountain forests, no other primate lives at such high atitudes, but these are true specialists. These ancient mountain dwellers have inspired legends. Local Lishu people consider them their ancestors, calling them the wild men of mountains. During heavy snowfalls, even these specialists cannot feed. It seems a strange place for a monkey. Between snows, the monkeys waste no time in their search for food. At this atitude, there are few foods and tender leaves to eat. 90% of their diet is made up of the fine dry wisps of curious organism. Half fungus, half plant, its like. How have monkeys, normally associated with low* jungle come to live such a remote mountain existence. This is not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks. A Chinese red panda, solitary and quiet, spends much of its time in the treetops. Despite its name, the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda. It's actually more related to a skank, but it does share the giant panda's taste for bamboo. Southwest China's red pandas are known for their very strong markings, which distinguish them from red pandas found anywhere else in the Himalayas. Like the monkeys, they are isolated in these high forests when the mountains quite literarily rose beneath them in the greatest mountain building event in the recent geological history. Over the last 30 million years, the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Euraisa. On the border between India and Tibet, the rocks have been raised 8 kilometers above the sea level, creating the world's highest mountain range- the Himalayas. But to the east, the rocks are buckled into a series of steep northsouth ridges, cutting down through the heart of Yunnan. The * mountains of Hengduan. These natural barriers serve to isolate Yunnan's plants and animals in each adjacent valley. While a huge temperature range between the snowing peaks and the warmer slopes below provide * conditions for life to thrive.

南宋无间道 发表于 2008-7-24 13:06

不过另外开了一个贴 :D

Celi 发表于 2008-7-24 18:20

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