你们的德国ggs都怎样? 虽然...偶知道人跟人有个体差异...
可是因为偶和gg都在英国...除了他也基本不认识什么德国 ...
My fiance is also a German. He is faithful, reliable, tidy and calm. And, he loves China. We have lived together for about three years and will get married soon.
He respects and loves his parents but keeps distance as his parents do to him. This is typical German.
The first a few times when he meets my friends, he seldom smiles and always looks serious. After he sees them often, he is "normal" again.
I am so impressed when I saw his work report. It looks more like a published book. To compare with his, mine is just school kids' homework, although I am also proud of my work. His is just so seriously beautifully organised.
He always helps me with cooking. We eat only Chinese food at home. He does all the cutting and the dishes. He loves Chinese food. He said that he would never become diabetes like his mom and aunt due to their heavy sweet German food. He already appreicate it.
He doesn't understand why sometimes I am not happy with his mom. But he tries hard to understand and even if still not, he says that I was right anyway.
He said that he would definately try at least once eating dog meat when we visit my parents next year. When his friend said that he shouldn't because dogs are the best friend of human, he answered that horses and cows were the same.
This is my German fiance. He is a good man. By chance he is German and has some typical German characters. When I see him, I see him-------himself. I do not see any German. 原帖由 lostcoco 于 2008-7-31 22:59 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
你们的德国ggs都怎样? 虽然...偶知道人跟人有个体差异...
可是因为偶和gg都在英国...除了他也基本不认识什么德国 ...
和国籍无关。男人好与坏,主要看其人的人品。 原帖由 lostcoco 于 2008-7-31 00:15 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
跟国籍有关!!!$汗$ 原帖由 海盗加勒比 于 2008-8-4 17:32 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
$支持$ $支持$ $支持$ 原帖由 海盗加勒比II 于 2008-8-4 23:15 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
哥们,唱反调的?$frage$ 最好慎重,德国男人普遍斤斤计较,还有毕竟思维有差异,很难做到"夫妻举案齐眉",如果有一天离婚的话,更没有中国人的"一夜夫妻百日恩" 原帖由 小小女子 于 2008-8-10 15:29 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
和人品有关啦,中国男人离婚卑鄙的也有的是啊。 我把自己变成德国人,然后嫁给中国GG$汗$