先看SuperPI 这么个小东西,居然还支持虚拟化指令和超线程。这个东西是Intel Austin team从零开始开发的,最初是单发射,in-order的设计,后来改成了双路超标量。但in-order居然保留了下来。
http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/intel/showdoc.aspx?i=3276&p=1 $支持$ ;)
Intel's Atom: Changing Intel from the Inside
For years at Intel the rule of thumb for power vs. performance was this: a designer could add a feature to a microprocessor design if you get a 1% increase in performance for at most a 2% increase in power. Unfortunately, it's thinking like that which gave us the NetBurst architecture used in the Pentium 4 and its derivatives.The Intel Atom was the first Intel CPU to redefine the rule of thumb and now the requirement is that a designer may add a feature if it yields a 1% increase in performance for at most a 1% increase in power consumption. It's a pretty revolutionary change and it's one that will be seen in other Intel architectures as well (Nehalem comes to mind), but Atom was the first.
一篇关于atom和smart phone的
Moorestown will allow Intel’s Atom CPU to exist in larger smart phones (4 - 5” size), while its successor in 2010/2011 will use the magic of Intel’s 32nm process to finally get into something iPhone-sizedhttp://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/intel/showdoc.aspx?i=3254&p=2 atom 看似不起眼, 其实是wintel一统江湖, 千秋万代的开始,
就让XP插遍一切吧,我要个iphone大小的X61T就行了 Atom其实没那么好,微型计算机上专门测试过,性能还是不行,只能用在小型设备上,高性能和低能耗永远是个矛盾。Atom也不例外,只不过比以前的用在小型电脑上的处理器进步了很多。不过据说VIA新出的和Atom定位相同的Nano比Atom还要强。 原帖由 libach 于 2008-8-1 20:11 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
Atom其实没那么好,微型计算机上专门测试过,性能还是不行,只能用在小型设备上,高性能和低能耗永远是个矛盾。Atom也不例外,只不过比以前的用在小型电脑上的处理器进步了很多。不过据说VIA新出的和Atom定位相同的N ...
Atom 原本是Intel为了未来many-core架构而重新设计的。参见http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchip ... aspx?i=3254&p=2
atom代表了这样一种趋势,就是弱化单核的功能。而大量提高核的数量。以后搞不好就是核的个数比进程数还多。。 现阶段个人电脑上核多意义不大,不过估计以后的趋势就是这样了 用ATOM做的无风扇绝对静音PC,还是有吸引力的。