教授是Uni-Konstanz计算机系的,方向是multimedia signal processing,这个项目有一个成员因为个人原因刚离开,所以有个职位空出来了。There is a 2/3 TV-L 13 position (or alternatively a scholarship) available for a PhD Student in the work group Multimedia Signal Processing, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Constance. This position also belongs to the Graduiertenkolleg "Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces". The scientific work is done in cooperation with the Department of Sports Science at the University of Constance and comprises the following topics:
* Analysis and Visualization of spatiotemporal course and performance parameters with bicycle training
* Acquisition of measurements both in the lab an in the field
* Scalable visualization from PDA upto the Powerwall
* Operation and further development of a simulator in the laboratory
* Motion capturing
* Integration of aspects from sports science
* Development of techniques for automatic evaluation and planning for leisure sports
* Extension towards other endurance sports sciences (e.g. rowing)
Further Information can be found on the project's web page.
Qualification requirement is a university degree (master or equivalent) in computer science or in a related subject. Knowledge and experience in some of the following areas are useful:
* Programming in C, C++
* Digital Signal Processing
* Computer Graphics and Visualization
* Measurement and sensor technology
* Sports science
The position is available immediately. Applications should be addressed to Prof. Dietmar Saupe.
Further positions or scholarships in the PhD program "Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces" may be available. Please check the Research area of the page of the PhD program. 关注一下。你们那边中国人多吗?有几个德国同事?
一般毕业率多少?要几年啊? $考虑$ $考虑$ 组里的具体情况可以参考我们的主页:http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/cgip,目前我们组有两个中国人,都是Postdoc。整个Uni-Konstanz的中国学生据说150左右,不过计算机系的好像不太多。
[ 本帖最后由 hooklee 于 2008-8-4 15:20 编辑 ] 欢迎广告 看样子很有挑战!!