[ 本帖最后由 fayfay 于 2008-9-12 23:55 编辑 ] :( mm这是何苦啊。。。。 这也太苦了吧,突然觉得自己好幸福。。。。。。
想都不敢想 在所有中国人眼里,我从小到大都是异性的宠儿,同性的嫉妒,从皮肤到身材,从读书到工作。
$汗$ $汗$ 还真木看出来 原帖由 fayfay 于 2008-9-11 01:50 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
在所有中国人眼里,我从小到大都是异性的宠儿,同性的嫉妒,从皮肤到身材,从读书到工作。我20岁就以专业第一的成绩大学毕业,放弃了保研,工作一年后开了自己的公司,旺运两年辛苦挣了几百万人民币,身边追求者不计 ...
Hallo Fayfay,
ni 知道什么是爱.
I see your husband as a strange person, selfish husband, an irresponsible father. Is there really any reason for youto stay with him? For your son, your might say. A couple without love would possibly only bring a son a sad growing up background.
Ni xuyao 爱.
I feel really sorry for you.
However, I do not believe that he changed to a bad man in one day. He must have been him all the way along. Have you ever asked yourself what kind of person he was before you had child with him?
Maybe your personality also gives him an excuse to behave like this, if I may say. Have you ever tried to show him that you first love yourself and await love from your husband?
Well, if he is really as ignorant, selfish, narrow-minded and cold as you wrote, is there any hope for you to expect love from him?
I believe that you are used to be a charming girl and outstandingly good at work. Do you really know who you are, what you can do? Do you love yourself?The attitude that you handle this love-absent depressing family life at the moment shows that you do not love yourself. Maybe you do, but not enough. Just waiting for the day to pass by and forgeting all the pain can only cheat you for a short time, all these pain will only become stronger. You might one day without self-awareness relieve it to somewhere else. Where then? Will you spend your time with your son as a happy wife or a painless mom?
Self-sacrifice brings no happy end.
This is a really serious situation. You need find a way out. This way can only be found by you, yourself.
[ 本帖最后由 Novembersky 于 2008-9-11 08:54 编辑 ] 听楼主这意思, 是LG接手了你的公司? 正所谓商场得意情场失意红颜薄命
楼主的情商MS不高 "在所有中国人眼里,我从小到大都是异性的宠儿,同性的嫉妒,从皮肤到身材,从读书到工作。"
真的没有看出来. 不管你的初恋被人骗,人财两空还是处理和现在的老公之间的关系都显示出你的智商,情商低的可怜.
和那个德国人的矛盾看来,你怎么20岁就大学毕业的呀? 得不到尊重,没有爱,还要婚姻干吗.在德国凭德国法律,你应该能得到你的补偿.如果你真的很有本事.再开一次公司也不是难事.
[ 本帖最后由 wini 于 2008-9-11 09:23 编辑 ] 20岁就大学毕业倒也没什么, 有人入学早, 认识一妞儿, 也是20岁奏毕业了 不是性格决定命运, 奏是命不好
建议LZ打离婚, 婚后的共同财产你是可以分到一些的
另外再八卦一句, LZ只提皮肤好和条儿顺, 却只字不提盘儿亮不亮
[ 本帖最后由 fcb 于 2008-9-11 09:37 编辑 ]