apfel1979 发表于 2008-12-21 15:50


scala 发表于 2008-12-22 23:53


SMD 发表于 2008-12-23 13:39

At least you should've specified the model, for Presario there might be such problems:

1. CPU socket gets loose
2. some IC is brocken , e.g. MAX8760...
3. RAM slots were badly welded
4. NB and SB
5. Integrated graphic card

obeseburro 发表于 2008-12-25 20:47

原帖由 keanelijin 于 2008-12-20 13:52 发表 http://dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
我的本本也是这样,启动的时候CPU温度过高,散热不及时,系统自动保护所以就不开机了。建议你拆开电脑,然后用力按着风扇与CPU接触的那个位子(不把风扇拆下来),如果能启动的话,就说明是以上的问题。解决方法很简 ...

$高$ $高$ $高$
gute Lösung!

obeseburro 发表于 2008-12-25 20:51

原帖由 SMD 于 2008-12-23 13:39 发表 http://dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
At least you should've specified the model, for Presario there might be such problems:

1. CPU socket gets loose
2. some IC is brocken , e.g. MAX8760...
3. RAM slots were badly welded
4. NB and S ...

My 2160 AD works till today so well without any problem.
It was the type of the year 2003. Once it had drunk some MezzoMix but nothing happened and everything has gone perfectly. It is a real nice Book from Compaq. At least it's my opinion.
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