Change Ugly German officials in the german embassy von changeUGO @ 2009-02-09 – 14:29:16每个申请德国签证的朋友,我们投资了很多在保险,签证费用,酒店,机票,最主要的是时间。我们只是为了得到德国签证。我们每个人都必须递交大量的德国政府要求的资料。
Change ugo 是一个组织由德国公民发起的旨在为了帮助中国公民在以后的签证申请面试中能得到比现在好的待遇,而不是粗鲁的认为您的居心叵测等。我们讲把你在德国签证面试中的经历公布于众(在德国以及中国)在不告知别人你的姓名的情况下。
Change Ugly German officials
Everybody who is applying for a visa to Germany, invests a lot of money for insurance, fees, hotel, flights, and time. just to get the visa. Everybody brings dozens of papers which the German government is asking for.
Finally having his interview in the German consulate or ambassy often the Chinese citizen experiences arrogance, painful distrust and a lack of cooperation. Neither you or your German partners will know the reason for a refusal.
As you as a Chinese citizen are applying your German partners stand apart and cannot interfer at all to help you. Your German partners only can feel ashamed or shocked how you are treated.
Change ugo is a group of independent German citzens who want to help that Chinese citizens who are applying for a visa in future will be treated better than now. We will make public what is going on without telling your names.
This will only work with your help. We need detailed reports of your visites and interviews (the kind of visa you are applying for, place, date, and time, report of the questions you have been asked, and the detaled answers you have given, your personal impression and the atmosphere). If you like you can add the backstory of your wish to go to Germany. Positive examples are also welcome.
Please send your reports to
Change Ugly German officials