You must now book your appointment on-line, in order to submit your application. You must do this by following the 'BOOK YOUR ON-LINE APPOINTMENT HERE' link, shown below. When your appointment has been booked, you must take your printed application, supporting documents and the appropriate fee (unless paid on-line with this application) to the address shown below on the agreed date and time of your appointment.Your application will not be accepted at any other location.Failure to submit documents to the address shown below will result in a delay and/or lead to the refusal of your application.收到的确认信里有个supporting documents,但是却没有任何关于这个的说明,请问最近办过签证的兄弟姐妹,这个是要出示什么
多谢{:5_341:} 是指护照么,还是说经济证明 {:5_369:} 是的, 经济证明,工资单什么的吧, 把能带的都带去吧,总没错的。。{:5_383:} 对了, 牛奶同学,英国签证要的护照照片尺寸和德国的是不是一样大的? 如果居留和婚姻有关,最好附上结婚证 对喽, 偶收到的信中, 除了楼上的这些话外, 下面列出了所要交的supportdocument呢..怎么你的没有?{:5_383:} supportdocument就是证明你是要回德国来的材料哦。