Oops, all didnt work.
I used win98 CD and also trying to create a system CD...my notebook will log into XP instead of reading the CD...well, although I have delted most of 3721 related files...once log to sina.com.cn website, all deleted file restored! Really dont know what to do. 你有98的光盘是最好了,在bios设置里选择第一以光盘启动。
(动不动说英文,这个难不倒你的) (动不动说英文,这个难不倒你的)
Forgive me, my deutsch is really poor, sometimes I even confused whether it's duetsch or deutsch! And too bad, I can't type chinese here.
Originally posted by mibundcy at 2004-8-18 11:23 AM:
Ya, I have found the solution! Thank you.