求助: 哪里买kindle dx比较便宜?
本帖最后由 forumstart 于 2009-7-9 17:22 编辑德国的Amazon上好像没有啊. 如果从美国买, 怕折腾海关.
哪里可以代购? 或者那个网上有比较便宜的?
Kindle DX: Amazon's 9.7" Wireless... $489.00 美金
德国ebay上EUR 431,69, 好像是加了20%税的...还有没有更便宜的? 本帖最后由 forumstart 于 2009-7-9 20:30 编辑
为啥不选PRS-700BC? 其实我是觉得6寸有点小, 8寸都将就了,看久了眼睛累。很喜欢9.7寸的kindle
Amazon Says “No” to Kindle in Germany
(Amazon Kindle News) Amazon.com is refusing to sell the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX in Germany due to phone companies there wanting to charge too mcuh for wireless downloads. Part of the selling point of the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX is that readers can browse for and buy Kindle books wirelessly for free. Amazon contracts with various wireless services in order to offer the free wireless “lifetime” connection to users.
Amazon had been in talks with both T-Mobile and Vodafone in Germany in order to try to strike a deal allowing consumers to use the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX wireless features at no charge. However, Amazon ceased talks when both T-Mobile and Vodafone wouldn’t hit the price point Amazon wanted. As a result, Amazon is keeping the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX out of Germany, a place where the Sony Reader currently reigns after going on sale there three months ago. 个人还是倾向于买sony的那款
貌似还有一个牌子做的也不错的,以前研究过,现在也不记得了{:5_393:} SONY PRS505美国卖260刀?
我刚才搜了一下德国的网站便宜也要300欧了 个人还是倾向于买sony的那款
Trois 发表于 2009-7-9 21:48 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
伊利亚特? 本帖最后由 forumstart 于 2009-7-10 11:12 编辑
7# forumstart
b33nny 发表于 2009-7-10 10:38 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
对了,还没在UK买过东西, UK是不是不用进海关? 之前在美国买进海关很折腾得
再推荐个UK的网站? Amazon.co.uk上最便宜也要190英镑...