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Machine learning, once considered a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), has recently emerged as an independent discipline itself. Machine learning studies the problem of how would a computer learn from data, to generate useful rules and improve its behavior. This problem is central to AI, since to be considered intelligent, the computer cannot be all programmed by human -- it must have its own ability to learn, adapt and evolve. On the other hand, researches in machine learning have created powerful algorithms to find the underlying rules in the data and make accurate predictions based on the learned rules. These algorithms could be seen as an improved version of traditional statistics, being able to work in a much larger scale. They can find inherent nonlinear relations among hundreds and thousands of variables, with up to millions of observations. Nowadays, massive amounts of data are generated from every corner of the world in a daily basis. Therefore, machine learning, an automated way to reason and make sense from these data, could only become more and more important. In this talk, I will discuss various aspects of machine learning: the intuition, the paradigms, important algorithms and applications and limitations.
Dr. Fuxin Li received his B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2001. He studied Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems in the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science from 2003 to 2008, where he received a Ph.D. In 2009. Starting from September 2008, he works at the Institute of Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn for a post-doctoral position. His current research direction is machine learning and computer vision. He has published over 10 papers in machine learning and proteomics.
“Microsoft Fellow” Award in 2005
2009年10月10日,星期六, 13:40, 请大家尽量准时!!
Seminarraum A413, Römerstraße164, 53117 Bonn,
交通:BONN HBF乘坐600,601,551至 Pädagogosche Fakultät |