




楼主: learnEnglish

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-13 20:23 | 显示全部楼层

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(Chapter01-11)

本帖最后由 learnEnglish 于 2009-10-17 20:13 编辑
, z( |4 ]  ?% U; j% ]' ~
4 t+ g, N# C  Y* P8 z1 G) t3 _An uncomfortable pause. Then Tom said:2 U8 e6 u$ y- C- K4 M; K5 P

2 O) H. |: ^/ q  u# G& V/ V"What's your name?"
/ q1 D2 H( d) j5 A) x- a8 C
5 u& C& N% Z9 {& s  k/ d; R6 G$ u"'Tisn't any of your business, maybe."" |- ~  `4 v7 E5 E
7 l, Y* X$ I# t& A* k% E" F, w
"Well I 'low I'll make it my business."
0 t+ g1 x/ u, B- q0 _7 Z3 h# ~
"Well why don't you?"
+ M6 `. }; n7 C9 j4 {
  g3 W5 x" a5 D* j6 l8 @"If you say much, I will."
, A. y! X0 \2 H) `1 {
& M7 K5 b' Y9 {( {"Much -- much -- MUCH. There now."8 n7 P  c4 Z8 u

$ Y+ i+ I6 i( O& P+ U) i$ s"Oh, you think you're mighty smart, don't you? I could lick you with one hand tied behind me, if I wanted to.": v3 I0 i3 Y% V, l2 \

5 K3 t3 @! d, F; E% d; ~3 Z+ L7 M"Well why don't you do it? You say you can do it."  Z% _- E- {) l4 j" p
- T. Z: q( k* E& k6 b0 \
"Well I will, if you fool with me."% I( X8 {( [4 q. w4 d

& Q" r& U" P8 p5 r7 a: z5 j"Oh yes -- I've seen whole families in the same fix."
2 Z4 [1 y" p& n2 C! k; s6 M+ E( W( r  W4 l6 S3 O. ?" F' C4 a
"Smarty! You think you're some, now, don't you? Oh, what a hat!"
1 y6 H: R6 o3 J4 u
6 d$ |8 f( ~  f"You can lump that hat if you don't like it. I dare you to knock it off -- and anybody that'll take a dare will suck eggs."( o% @& B% b3 k4 ?. |1 ?& ]: ~

9 w! Z! Y5 f8 ^  T; E, c8 J"You're a liar!"
! W% M, v0 C* j% q1 T
, ]( ]+ U3 s4 x: w+ e0 G"You're another."2 E' k, L0 c( W2 I& ~9 ^

  x- @) x: d) D, L$ a"You're a fighting liar and dasn't take it up."2 F9 Q: o  }0 p& X
2 n5 B" I" k& I' C# W! M
"Aw -- take a walk!"7 S( i' ~: G$ F6 l* ?' H0 O, @
) v" N, w) F; y+ ]3 |
"Say -- if you give me much more of your sass I'll take and bounce a rock off'n your head."/ }/ Y) o+ [8 R8 e/ J
( {' x/ f' m. t2 m1 z
"Oh, of course you will."
" l2 l$ p/ }* X5 }5 Z5 {$ x, H# W6 e5 z  Z% \5 X' R
"Well I will."
. b# a  J$ |8 E5 M$ c3 F  I: n* d% c- c
" L2 V0 a9 Y; {, q' \"Well why don't you do it then? What do you keep saying you will for? Why don't you do it? It's because you're afraid."6 A, `1 m8 n8 D* m

  p) I0 i4 p; |, R"I ain't afraid."
* n; W$ [. I8 \
) H1 e% j6 a& o! I6 Q% ~8 r. }"You are."
0 l! j8 M, V! @
. U9 r4 _; b  l& T% A& v! N"I ain't."
$ e% \3 L7 w! P8 @) v7 I
  {* g! q. T9 V9 V1 p"You are."

$ ^6 Y( _% d7 m" o  A) s. y& o
3 L6 @6 c4 a" s( X--------------------
/ v( D7 Z  h3 T5 _! W0 y'tis = it is
5 v% D: U1 w: z  Z- u6 P3 ntisn't = it is not
6 i: r/ _  b2 \' l  a* e0 c'low = allow = 想要, 打算, etc.; |, |! `) c9 ^
off'n = off on
. Y2 l' f! [/ q/ X7 R9 \  \# h1 q: Idasn't = dare not, dares not, dared not
9 ?  Z# |( s! ]; F' s8 n* `& ?-
( z6 L3 w' s. o' Xfool with = 戏弄, 玩弄
3 O- q2 w0 L" {/ X$ ubounce off= 掷出去
" u( j  s0 N$ f) p3 o: @knock off = 敲掉, 击倒4 p/ V4 J$ f* Y% M/ N
take up = 开始, 继续, etc.7 H" F/ V/ G- u3 W4 w
  J$ c; x( D; D; Y& Qwhole families = 各类人
4 K1 e2 j: A# Y* x7 ?. {; p# c( T5 a* ]in a fix = 陷于窘境
) O1 l! `% z, r. c5 O! n& Onot any of your business = 与你无关 = none of your business
) w  {* m+ ?0 Y& n) Z2 h) q-
+ ~: h7 G8 k  w& N0 Ktake a walk! = [口]滚蛋吧!
, i3 B2 f" R  T: I, Q6 Ksuck eggs = ? (P.S. 谚语Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs=不要班门弄斧)

: k! d$ q8 V* K' p7 W" a: \--------------------! s) w0 t# a% `- M: K' D
tie = 绑, etc.. W) d4 U( P* j' U; |
lump = [口]忍受# H' l4 n9 e4 p8 U4 E; K$ O
-- M% a& \! P! j3 u7 J2 ~0 Q
some = [口]了不起的, 惊人的* A8 @7 R5 t3 X/ M3 v- ^
mighty. s! Y8 _* P- ~% A2 n% Z
-) _/ ?; t9 k! t+ x
+ v. H& {6 B& ~& ~) C; Dsass

( [1 s# w/ }- A1 N+ ^/ h* p--------------------
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发表于 2009-10-13 20:29 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-13 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-10-13 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-14 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-14 20:17 | 显示全部楼层

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(Chapter01-12)

本帖最后由 learnEnglish 于 2009-10-14 21:19 编辑
2 s. z- G% U; z* m( j6 X
/ n- U) _) ~2 Q) KAnother pause, and more eying and sidling around each other. Presently they were shoulder to shoulder. Tom said:7 v0 M* {& [7 V) S! R

. m: K7 n( p2 p' y' c$ O3 Q"Get away from here!"# V. N4 M0 i, Q
/ x+ P6 U7 l8 s
"Go away yourself!"
" o2 O' u/ \( i. Z5 e8 W* y
  E  B  Q3 R8 r5 b"I won't."
8 E8 x6 R8 B7 Q* L9 }4 l( V* F7 O8 e7 {3 I
"I won't either."
: s; t9 H1 F/ G- M) T- t2 T( x  z0 R% F. V: n, Q* }( ]( d- o# S
So they stood, each with a foot placed at an angle as a brace, and both shoving with might and main, and glowering at each other with hate. But neither could get an advantage. After struggling till both were hot and flushed, each relaxed his strain with watchful caution, and Tom said:$ x- f! ~! ~5 @6 X- @# K: j. r

4 h$ g/ X5 z" s8 l: s"You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his little finger, and I'll make him do it, too."6 S" l7 J: Q# r; g

2 t0 l  g0 Y9 q2 \"What do I care for your big brother? I've got a brother that's bigger than he is -- and what's more, he can throw him over that fence, too." [Both brothers were imaginary.]7 e; g5 I7 q, P' B! A

6 [2 ~( n# B9 V$ S& x/ X# u8 ]"That's a lie."; x/ |. W& b3 M- m
7 y: ^) I: y. T% j5 Z* X
"Your saying so don't make it so."4 i" t: [( z' o7 y- {

3 j6 }" O9 M; Y. t% XTom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said:3 `4 g% y* O: }# S! o
0 R% l+ z" |8 a
"I dare you to step over that, and I'll lick you till you can't stand up. Anybody that'll take a dare will steal sheep."8 u; N- D. z0 P) `
) L$ Q% z; N9 c' g3 l1 l  N8 _
The new boy stepped over promptly, and said:; ~9 A/ p( ?8 s' d. v/ z/ n

; P: N/ J( ]$ c4 k2 q"Now you said you'd do it, now let's see you do it."
2 F8 `8 D! ]/ l3 |! E  \. U; r3 H) ~/ U! w
"Don't you crowd me now; you better look out."4 s. r$ K; @+ |: ?3 R- U; @$ z. ^

' u1 y$ n7 Y. |% t3 N$ {3 W"Well, you said you'd do it -- why don't you do it?"# v# V* o9 l( U: Z: _9 @7 w8 i

, V/ o" i" f6 T# H- z"By jingo! for two cents I will do it."

/ d( Q* c2 B3 L9 Y! s5 ^7 K4 I) w. j
1 V  f0 p6 I5 b- v" b& v4 [by jingo = 哎呀, 一定
& b" b( h9 ?, w' isteal sheep = ?
* P" b. i. Y$ A+ S3 C
% N( z4 J- _6 O; [8 f3 Amight = 力量, etc.: p, P2 ~% s8 e! m# l! z. B
main = 力量, 体力, etc.' R0 U1 O7 o, `
coward = 胆小鬼
0 \" U3 ]& s0 T2 @8 gpup = 狗崽子8 Q6 ~4 ]( E+ r* R* L5 m
0 B4 B. h% ^- K. G6 v5 l" P' estrain
# n% a1 {% {& n1 P) }) l" _* |caution
& D6 X# N, a/ v6 M-5 O9 ]1 [0 t6 k* w$ @% C: a
crowd = 逼近, etc.
% U$ b. H2 b. n  Ldraw, drew, drawn
: A" [* M' b" Hsidle
6 L& G8 |4 r" u8 N: E+ xshove9 f# e8 M* {6 J( q2 A: V$ w5 u; m
8 N0 E9 }( n5 j) t8 Tstruggle2 ?8 K6 N% _6 v3 T$ L1 G( x
- [; \$ |4 w' B! Z: U; Rthrash
3 F: }6 z8 m9 a# g" ]+ F; Q) N0 t-
8 g  ^- K3 W" V) k& R5 ppromptly

3 a1 n+ a& A& H# |9 s1 C" }8 j--------------------
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-14 20:29 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-14 22:05 | 显示全部楼层

RE: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(Chapter01-13)

本帖最后由 learnEnglish 于 2009-10-17 20:03 编辑 7 H$ s) [0 T; v- \- r% ]

3 E% M1 q1 b& S* ]3 LThe new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision. Tom struck them to the ground. In an instant both boys were rolling and tumbling in the dirt, gripped together like cats; and for the space of a minute they tugged and tore at each other's hair and clothes, punched and scratched each other's noses, and covered themselves with dust and glory. Presently the confusion took form, and through the fog of battle Tom appeared, seated astride the new boy, and pounding him with his fists. "Holler 'nuff!" said he.8 P( |' Z3 E8 x  ~
2 W3 P/ ~; n' |2 o3 b
The boy only struggled to free himself. He was crying -- mainly from rage.2 W0 T9 x; N2 A; M+ ^5 P+ z2 H2 [! O
9 p' t# Q6 i" i
"Holler 'nuff!" -- and the pounding went on.& k& s3 H$ j% d9 `  S$ s
) U! b  K. ^: v+ }- D' }9 }; M
At last the stranger got out a smothered "'Nuff!" and Tom let him up and said:
: F* L" v( a+ P' {8 Q  c$ T  F, q0 V) q
"Now that'll learn you. Better look out who you're fooling with next time."

* m; c, E7 d' y% I8 Y1 t4 F. o1 J0 u; l) e
; c% C! e% b7 {hold out = 伸出, etc.4 c' e0 C6 W, ?/ V+ ?. Y
get out = 说出, etc.
+ x- b% [5 C& l) W$ Q9 F; I-/ {8 L( ]. g+ P1 j2 J( Y7 L2 q
sit astride = 跨坐在...
) ]* s. b% d9 a4 G9 X9 R4 ]be seated astride = 跨坐在...
) w* o' @$ ?/ X$ Cthe space of = ...之间(表示持续时间)$ I2 w4 H- I' D1 d( n
2 B" {* [( X. N- B8 |6 Ein an instant = 立刻, 马上, 刹那间" [# g+ u/ n, U& x9 ^* G* h. l) Y
take form = 成形, 变得明显4 p% ?- I( B8 ~# s4 _) ^3 d6 C7 H
5 m' W/ `* d9 g; B3 y'nuff = enough

8 U8 `+ p5 A. e8 b4 W* r( q! [3 M/ M--------------------
$ S, K# D% O& _) g7 ]7 ytear, tore, torn = 撕扯, etc.
+ r5 j' ?' F9 u- fpound = (连续)猛击, 重击, 敲打
3 P2 U7 x# e% Z5 R1 ^5 s- b+ {. xfree = 释放, 解放, etc.
% I3 f# l: d& f6 O  w% Rstruggle6 }% T& B9 f9 U5 m+ i& s
tug: b# m# ~" ^  m+ o$ M
tumble9 ~/ u& R& ^4 T
% x( c8 [5 W* W& r+ r8 \holler
3 Q+ n* C7 u1 V+ |9 J0 ^& J# ysmother% n4 S1 b# p( ]  L  O
-  r8 `* Y4 g6 q- {1 S
copper = 铜币, etc.
  c8 t4 t0 A$ \' C$ cderision( b) l% |' L4 h& y5 Y4 E0 H
battle# m& k: @+ E8 M; g/ J
) u4 j/ D, e6 D8 V+ [rage
/ @: U/ T8 _* ]8 ?
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-14 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-14 23:25 | 显示全部楼层

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(14)

本帖最后由 learnEnglish 于 2009-10-15 09:22 编辑
/ ^* K. i- r" T% W( x# I8 K1 r
3 {/ R% T7 X3 zThe new boy went off brushing the dust from his clothes, sobbing, snuffling, and occasionally looking back and shaking his head and threatening what he would do to Tom the "next time he caught him out." To which Tom responded with jeers, and started off in high feather, and as soon as his back was turned the new boy snatched up a stone, threw it and hit him between the shoulders and then turned tail and ran like an antelope. Tom chased the traitor home, and thus found out where he lived. He then held a position at the gate for some time, daring the enemy to come outside, but the enemy only made faces at him through the window and declined. At last the enemy's mother appeared, and called Tom a bad, vicious, vulgar child, and ordered him away. So he went away; but he said he "'lowed" to "lay" for that boy.
2 {! v: k0 g2 U. ]! e' V& [9 a3 [% {4 q+ L0 M) _
/ u; h% u5 N, `go off = 走开, etc.
2 V0 s# z2 u( J# cstart off = 出发, 动身, 开始
  B+ P; ~1 a6 L' _snatch up = 抓起
' j8 g/ g$ A% |3 A+ \0 h! Ecatch out = 抓住(某人)短处, (用手段)挫败(某人)
" t( n& [6 M  h& _4 O4 Y-, X! M9 }  J# f" K5 Z
turn tail = 逃跑, 躲开' N! F1 U( k" @$ H  h5 v0 v) D
in high feather = 精神抖擞
& `) ]! h! w. a% N/ e) U, h-
$ @4 L8 s3 z7 e  h# Z- V1 H'low = allow = 想要, 打算, etc.# |4 u* z- h& ~3 f5 G0 l) ]+ ]
lay for = 埋伏着等待
5 `; E) p- i, Z0 J"'lowed" to "lay" for => The words are in quotes because they are rural dialect from the Mississippi River country.

7 D+ k8 f+ _0 q: c% q# p- w# l3 P: s--------------------' p+ g/ A# r) P( Q3 G1 z
brush = 拂, 掸, etc.6 p% h  [0 n/ u; V
decline = 拒绝, etc.' y- j5 k8 A' C# f0 D% Y- k
threaten = 扬言(威胁, 恐吓), etc.7 t' s( N& n( g$ }
2 h, A5 F* [. C* @, a& @* b6 n) A/ ~shake
) e: n7 Q# d# P/ ^respond! x8 Z1 b& Y2 C; X' W  I* P, p
2 V2 K8 }0 `; X; t0 k  P& @-
( K( z4 s1 U; ]1 \+ wtraitor
6 ?- H4 A+ o9 R4 rjeer; r( v/ _- R. x7 {4 ]' p1 \. J
antelope0 m$ s: Z2 |+ {8 ]
gate; V5 g( E# Y  _- b) s
1 N8 q0 ~6 q8 j2 D-: O. w% A7 z7 ?
- Y0 n3 ^) \  n9 u1 ovicious
" c, W; _9 N8 C9 c9 ^) o. J& fvulgar

1 N) T# o0 M+ a7 `4 a--------------------




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