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However, he stressed the fundamental difference between classical and quantum predictions following from the maximal description of an object: uncertainty in behavior of the object, described in quantum terms, increases significantly as time goes by and hence the prediction becomes fuzzy. More recently W. H. Zurek (1998) has shown
“that the evolution of a chaotic macroscopic (but, ultimately,
quantum) system is not just difficult to predict (requiring an accuracy
exponentially increasing with time) but quickly ceases to be deterministic
in principle as a result of the Heisenberg indeterminacy (which limits the
resolution available in the initial conditions).”
一个混沌宏观物体系统(总的来说说还是量子组成的)的演变, 不仅仅是难预报的(精确度和时间成几何级数关系),还会很快变化到其他状态,这个变化是海森堡测不准原理导致的,测不准原理还导致对初始状态的反演是不可能的 |