本帖最后由 orionsnow 于 2009-10-25 20:15 编辑
一般在大学做个2,3 年博后,文章积累了5,6篇,也可以去要求进行habi考试,如果你们学校有你这个专业的哈比授予权利的话。
habi 一般毕业的要求是(根据学校不同而不同)
6篇1作+3篇其他作者, 或者一篇学术著作。
如果你以后打算在大学教书,最好读个habi 。
评教授的话habi 几乎是必需的。否则就要在企业从事科研领导7年以上。
另外小马去年还是前年有个帖子,讨论德国最高学位的事情,里头也有些关于habi 的信息,你可以翻翻4看, 我就不复述了。
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Habilitation is the highest academic qualification a person can achieve by their own pursuit in certain European and Asian countries. Earned after obtaining a research doctorate (Ph.D. or equivalent degrees), the habilitation requires the candidate to write a professorial thesis based on independent scholarly accomplishments, reviewed by and defended before an academic committee in a process similar to that for the doctoral dissertation. However, the level of scholarship has to be considerably higher compared to a PhD thesis. Sometimes a book publication is required for the defence to take place. Whereas in the United States, the United Kingdom and most other countries, the PhD is sufficient qualification for a senior faculty position at a university, in other countries only the habilitation qualifies the holder to supervise doctoral candidates. Such a post is known in Germany as Privatdozent and there are similarly termed posts elsewhere. After service as a Privatdozent, one may be admitted to the faculty as a professor.
This habilitation qualification exists in France ("Habilitation à diriger des recherches"), Switzerland, Germany (Priv.-Doz. and/or Dr. habil.), Austria (formerly Univ.-Doz., now Priv.-Doz.), Italy (in the past the habilitation to teach in the University was called "libera docenza", but it was abolished in 1970; today there is the "abilitazione professionale", which is the allowance practice a high level profession and to take part in a professional body), Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland (dr hab.), Portugal (Agregação), Sweden and Finland (Docent or Doc.) the Czech Republic (Docent or DrSc), Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain (until the end of 2008), and countries of the former Soviet Union, such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc. (Doktor nauk). A similar qualification known as Livre-docência still exists also in public universities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, but has disappeared in other parts of Brazil. The habilitation, derived from the Medieval Latin habilitare — "suitable, fit" — developed in the eighteenth century.
The word habilitation can be used to describe the qualification itself, or the process of earning that qualification. It is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to the thesis written as part of that process (what is called Habilitationsschrift in German). A successful habilitation requires that the candidate (called Habilitand in German) be officially given the venia legendi, Latin for "permission for lecturing," or the ius docendi, "right of teaching" a specific academic subject at universities for a lifetime. This status is called Privatdozent (for males) or Privatdozentin (for females), abbreviated PD or Priv.-Doz.. |