Ok this guide is for setting up a VPN connection on a Windows Mobile Professional (TouchScreen Device), setup on a Standard (non-touchscreen device) is similar but I haven't been able to get consistent results so YMMV. This guide is applicable for Windows Mobile 2003, WM 5.x & WM 6.x
To add a new vpn connection
Tap Start > Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon) > "Add a new VPN server connection" > Enter the name of the VPN connection > Enter the Host name/IP > Select IPSec/L2TP or PPTP > Enter your username/password/domain name > Tap Finish. Also make sure your Network Managment is setup correctly or you may drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why the vpn connection isn't even trying to start. Tap Start > Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon) > Advanced (tab) > Select Networks and make sure your Cellular carrier or internet connection is set under "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using" and make sure the options "Programs that automatically connect to a private network should conenct using" is set to your vpn connection.
Now that you have it setup you can tap & hold on the connection name and choose "connect" This will launch the vpn connection and as long as the server and device agree you should connect. Now there are a few things you may also want to setup if you plan on connecting to dotted (server.company) resources. By default the connection manager in Windows Mobile thinks that any dotted address is meant to be destined for the internet so it will drop the vpn connection and try to use the internet to connect to that address. We can stop this by setting up "Exceptions". Tap Start > Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon) > Advanced (tab) > Exceptions. You can use wildcards to represent an entire domain so tap "Addd new URL" and enter *.domain.yourdomainsuffix
and now when you try to access a resource or terminal service to server.domain.yourdomainsuffix the vpn connection will stay connected.
The connection manager is a nightmare and there's no easy way to establish a vpn connection from the Today Screen. If you are using a connection manger aware application like IE Mobile, Outlook Mobile, Windows Media Play Mobile, or File Explorer when you enter an address that that matches your exception(s) the vpn connection will establish automatically. In Windows Mobile 5 a terminal service connection also triggers a vpn connection but in Windows Mobile 6.x it doesnt' so you will have to drill all the way down to the vpn connection and manually start it.
MVP-Mobile Devices
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