不由得想起这个 Friends S01E23
Dr. Franzblau: I don't know, could be an hour, could be three, but relax, she's doing great. So, uh, tell me, are you currently involved with anyone?
Rachel: (anxiously) No, no, not at the moment, no, I'm not. Are you?
Dr. Franzblau: No, it's hard enough to get women to go out with me.
Rachel: Right, yeah, I've heard that about cute doctors.
Dr. Franzblau: No, no, really. I suppose it's because I spend so much time, you know, where I do.
Rachel: Oh.
Dr. Franzblau: I try not to let my work affect my personal life, but it's hard, when you... do what I do. It's like uh...Well, for instance, what do you do?
Rachel: I'm a waitress.
Dr. Franzblau: Ok, all right, well aren't there times when you come home at the end of the day, and you're just like, 'if I see one more cup of coffee'...
Rachel: (getting the point) Yeah. Gotcha. |