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本帖最后由 脱毛兔子 于 2011-4-9 12:58 编辑
但即便如此清关公司要再收600欧元,其中仓储费用160欧元,Fehlfracht 315,手续费30欧元。当天是周三,说周五才能发货,下周一才到。
Dear Ms.B, Mr. P, Mr. S, (Ms. B 是中国人,在萍聚发广告做清关,我跟她联系后,她推荐这家纯德国公司给我。Mr.S 是具体操办人,Mr. P 是这家公司的老板)
First we appreciate Ms. B recommended firm CXXXX help our company to import the product we need. We also appreciate the work Mr. S performed.
Yesterday we paid CXXXX GmbH 6873.19Euro by cash, since you mentioned without the payment you will not delivery our goods. We worry more storage cost will happen. But it does not mean we agree your charge. As suggested by Mr. P, in this email we would like to explain the reasons.
First in the beginning we told you we need a contract for your service. Mr. S confirmed (email is attached, see EMAIL 1), but until today we did not receive any contract.
Second, the inconsistence existing in Mr. S Email is one factor leading to the delay of the document hand over.
On Mar 16 2011, Mr. S emailed us you need FORM A. see EMAIL 2
On,Mar 23, 2011, emailed us you do not need FORM A see EMAIL 3
On Mar 28, 2011, emailed us, without FORM A, you can not perform customs clearing. see EMAIL 4
Third, according to your promise you provide door to door service.. We hope in this way we will reduce our work.. Concerning the H.S. code, we spent a lot of time writing emails and calling accountant during March. But on the Bill of Lading Mr. S sent us on 28Feb , it indicated the H.S code already. However yesterday Mr. P told me face to face it was a mistake.
Furthermore, since you weight and measure the products, it had been easier if you have prepared the accurate packing list. Unfortunately we have to do it, but you did not point out the difference. See EMAIL 5. If we had not checked documents carefully, this inconsistence between BL and packing list could have resulted serious difficulties in customs clearing. See EMAIL 6 and EMAIL 7
According to your email, for 10.5 CBM , 158Euro/CBM, you should charge 1974,21 Euro( Netto 1659 Euro) Now we paid 2960.43 Euro--986.22Euro more
(in which 483,76 for Storage, 315,00 for Fehlfracht, 30,00 for Handling, plus VAT). Based on all the reasons mentioned above, we hope you could charge 600Euro less for your service.
With best regards,
xxx |