本帖最后由 recycling 于 2011-4-26 09:41 编辑
固废处理处置 is called Abfallwirtschaft in TU Berlin, to tell the truth, it is not a good branch to find job, in general with environmental engineering is it not easy to find job at all.
lots of the chinese, who have studied this major, are now working in a very different field.
i think no, bc you can find all the programm online, if you are not able to get it, better contact the secretary, they will send you somehting helpful.
if you can not get the University admission with the 800学时语言证明, then just come to German as a language learner. it is just 1 or 2 semester later as now. but it will very helpful for you to improve your language, bc even if you can study in University right now, you can still not understand most of what the professor has said. |