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发表于 2005-8-1 21:13
原帖由 ET 于 2005-8-1 21:09 发表
jj可不可以告诉我,quark和cream cheese的区别?今天去买豆腐酸奶的材料,一位德国老太太告诉我,做kaese kuchen他们一般用quark,不是cream cheese。 还有,cream cheese的德文应该就是frisch kaese吧?
Quark和cream cheese(我觉得Philadellaphia 就很好吃) 很像似,但有点酸奶味,质地也比较柔软,呈奶油状
frisch Kaese 是新鲜乳酪, cream cheese 应该是 Sahne-Kaese。
Quark is a fresh creamery cow's milk cheese, commonly used in Germany, Finland and other parts of Europe, somewhat similar to cream cheese. It is made by letting certain bacteria ferment milk, with the resulting curd. Some of the whey is removed to standardise the quark to the desired thickness. It is an acid-set cheese like "fresh" or "farmer's" cheeses, not a rennet-set cheese.
The word "Quark" is also used figuratively in German conversation as a word for "nonsense". Quark dazugeben means "to add your two cents worth" with a negative connotation. In this example, "Quark" is synonymous to the (more popular) "Senf" (mustard).
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-8-1 22:21 编辑 ] |