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- 发信人: ttttt (如果), 信区: Java
- 标 题: Re: 请问有谁知道如何将System.out重定向输出到一个JT
- 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Oct 25 14:08:03 1999)
- 【 在 oldcrab (老蟹) 的大作中提到: 】
- : 请问有谁知道如何将System.out重定向输出到一个JTextArea?
- : 谢谢!
- 希望这个能帮你忙,呵呵
- This tip demonstrates how you can record in a log file everything you
- print to standard out and standard error. This is especially useful
- if you deploy an application and your users encounter problems. You
- can have the users send you the log file for analysis.
- The following example code demonstrates how to capture standard
- output. You can include the example code, as is, in your program.
- The example implements a class called SaveOutput, with two static
- methods - start() and stop(). Calling start() creates a new log
- file or empties an existing log file. It copies into the log file
- characters printed to standard output and standard error. Calling
- stop() closes the log file and restores the behavior of standard
- output and standard error (that is, their behavior before start() was
- called).
- import java.io.*;
- class Stdout {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- try {
- // Start capturing characters into the log file.
- SaveOutput.start("log.txt");
- // Test it.
- System.out.println("Here's is some stuff to stdout.");
- System.err.println("Here's is some stuff to stderr.");
- System.out.println("Let's throw an exception...");
- new Exception().printStackTrace();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- // Stop capturing characters into the log file
- // and restore old setup.
- SaveOutput.stop();
- }
- }
- }
- class SaveOutput extends PrintStream {
- static OutputStream logfile;
- static PrintStream oldStdout;
- static PrintStream oldStderr;
- SaveOutput(PrintStream ps) {
- super(ps);
- }
- // Starts copying stdout and stderr to the file f.
- public static void start(String f) throws IOException {
- // Save old settings.
- oldStdout = System.out;
- oldStderr = System.err;
- // Create/Open logfile.
- logfile = new PrintStream(
- new BufferedOutputStream(
- new FileOutputStream(f)));
- // Start redirecting the output.
- System.setOut(new SaveOutput(System.out));
- System.setErr(new SaveOutput(System.err));
- }
- // Restores the original settings.
- public static void stop() {
- System.setOut(oldStdout);
- System.setErr(oldStderr);
- try {
- logfile.close();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // PrintStream override.
- public void write(int b) {
- try {
- logfile.write(b);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- setError();
- }
- super.write(b);
- }
- // PrintStream override.
- public void write(byte buf[], int off, int len) {
- try {
- logfile.write(buf, off, len);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- setError();
- }
- super.write(buf, off, len);
- }
- }
- The start() method first saves the current standard output and
- standard error print streams. These print streams will be restored
- when stop() is called. Next, the log file is opened. If the log
- file does not exist, it's created. Otherwise, the log file is
- emptied. Finally, System.setOut() and System.setErr() are called
- to replace the standard output and standard error print streams with
- SaveOutput print streams.
- The stop () method restores the original standard output and
- standard error. It then closes the log file.
- A SaveOutput object is a PrintStream object that acts like a tee.
- Any characters it receives are forwarded to two places: the log file
- and the underlying print streams. The underlying print streams in
- the example are the original standard output and standard error
- print streams; these are supplied to the SaveOutput constructor.
- Although both standard output and standard error are written into the
- same logfile, there is no need to synchronize this operation. The
- reason is that the logfile output stream is itself a print stream
- and write operations are synchronized.
- To implement this tee behavior, the program needs to override the
- two forms of the write method. These overrides simply write the
- characters into the logfile and then to the underlying print stream
- (by calling super.write()). The write() methods do not throw
- exceptions. Instead, they set a flag in the print stream if some
- problem occurs. They set the flag by calling setError(). If the client
- of the print stream wants to check if an error occurred, it can call
- checkError().
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