这个我不是特别清楚, 因为没有尝试过,也没有咨询过。
因为定义里有“if they are dependent on you”这个条件, 对应孩子的那条一起(who are under 21 years of age or are dependent on you), 我觉得有些悬。 因为这个dependent的感觉是好像父母需要照顾, 完全依靠这个eea national。 另外怎样提交证明, 我也不是很清楚。
建议mm去邮件询问一下。 有一个书面的准确答复比较保险一些。
如果可以的话, 原则上应该是可以到了德国再申请的。 不过mm要考虑到一般这种旅行签证都要3-4个星期才能拿回的这个时间限制。
If you are an EEA or Swiss national, your non-EEA family members who have the right of residence in the UK are:
your husband, wife or civil partner;
your children or grandchildren (or the children or grandchildren of your husband, wife or civil partner) who are under 21 years of age or are dependent on you; and
the parents or grandparents of you and your husband, wife or civil partner, if they are dependent on you.
(If you are a student, only your husband, wife, or civil partner and dependent children have a right of residence.) |