




楼主: muerustc

[上学外出] 德国kita第一天

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 muerustc 于 2014-11-20 10:21 编辑
krap 发表于 2014-11-18 14:13

关于老师生 ...

Because nobody can help us on December. So we hope that he can get used to the fact that he needs to go to school to play with others, and also learn some German.

Maybe I'm expecting too much. He had been to 2 different daycare centers before and we know what a good teacher can do with good organization. Especially his first teacher in the previous school, she was a magic. I gradually realize that here people take time to let the child get into it slowly. But it really took him only a minute to like and trust that teacher, less than an hour to be comfortable with the classroom and less than one day to like that school. He moved to the next age group in June, and until now he still talks about her.
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发表于 2014-11-20 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
muerustc 发表于 2014-11-20 10:00
Because nobody can help us on December. So we hope that he can get used to the fact that he needs  ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
krap 发表于 2014-11-20 10:09
楼主家宝宝才两岁半,频繁的换幼儿园,也要看宝宝 ...

our experience last year. I really miss the 2nd school. And my son too.

我家一岁半的小狼最近转学了。他看起来特别喜欢新的 daycare, 搞得我和LG每天都琢磨,倒底这个新“学校”有啥魔力。



第一家的curriculum是每个月换一次的,至于每个月有什么不同我也不清楚,其实也大同小异吧,主要是读书唱歌做游戏数数写名字涂鸦之类的,出去活动都是在他们自己的play ground;第二家是每个星期制定下星期的计划,然后星期五的时候会通知家长下星期都要干什么。比如这个星期都是关于秋天的,做叶脉印啦,数南瓜切南瓜玩种子啦,做苹果酱啦之类的,每天出去玩,每星期去一次外面的公园,天气好还会去博物馆或者到外面野餐。相比之下我觉得第二家的计划做得更用心。

说说学历资质吧。一开始我觉得这些都是扯淡,你如果对小孩很不耐烦,就算有硕士学历又如何呢?所以当我们接受了第二家的offer, 正式开始之前要我们去跟director见面介绍学校,又要跟老师见面谈小孩的种种细节,我真觉得有点过分官僚了。特别是当director说,他们所有的老师和助理老师都至少是早期教育学士学历的时候,我有点反感。但是当我们终于见到了他的新老师,才发现经过专业培训的确实很不一样。当然,再重复一遍,前提是老师要爱孩子。也许学教育的和我们不一样,我面对这一个小淘气都有点上气不接下气了,但是对于专门研究儿童的来说,toddler一定是个很有趣很丰富的年龄段吧?

旧学校给我的感觉是,你把孩子放在那,他们尽量保证安全,到点了给换尿布或者带去potty, 给饭吃,帮忙睡午觉,有空的时间一起玩玩,让家长在工作的时候不用担心自己的孩子。再多的就不能强求了。

新学校的似乎有点学院气,说不好听的是他们拿孩子做实验来验证他们的教育方法和理念。比如老师教孩子吃饭的方法是,坐下来一起吃,然后孩子就都跟着学,我亲眼看见几个不到两岁的小孩,吃完之后把碗放到收碗的盆里,连我家狼也知道了把香蕉皮剥下来放在一个特定的专门放香蕉皮的碗里;帮助语言发展的办法是,如果小孩去拿一个球,老师就会告诉他"You took a ball." 如果老师打算去拿一个球,就会告诉小孩"I'm going to take a ball." 这样一个劲地重复。不知道是不是巧合,狼这一个多星期学会了好几个词呢,眼看英文词汇量就要赶上中文了,让我倍感压力呀!
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
in US you can choose how to start and people always debate what is the best way. For the previous one, we took a family picture to the teacher, then we stayed about one hour with him to let him get used to the surroundings, and then I left for the whole day.
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发表于 2014-11-20 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
muerustc 发表于 2014-11-20 10:40
in US you can choose how to start and people always debate what is the best way. For the previous on ...

你说的在第二个day care养成的好习惯,我们宝儿的幼儿园也是这样的,我很惊讶他在幼儿园吃好饭把盘子,杯子,围兜什么的放到该放的地方才离开,而在家里完全不这样,所以去幼儿园基本上都会养成比较好的习惯的。还有语言,重复句子或者多和孩子对话这里也是一样。
你说的第一个day care我个人觉得是孩子那个时候太小,没有安全感的原因,在那个时期可能去哪个幼儿园都是这个效果。在德国6周就可以去的幼儿园,东边可能还有,西边我没有听说过。。6个月是我听说过最早的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
I agree that it might take time for a child to get used to a day care, and I don't want to judge which way is good or bad. And it depends on the children as well. We dropped him for the full day from the beginning, not because we had to work, but we believe for him it was the easiest transition and it worked out fine.

But his current one does not give any option. Seems to me that the teacher tells us a random schedule only according to her convenience, and the instruction from different teachers are quite conflict. We've been visiting many recently and found out that there really are difference, in many aspects. I'm happy to see that there are good ones.

About his 2 previous schools, that post was written last year, one week after he transferred to a new one. He stayed there for one year before we moved here and it was totally positive. I really do not expect the same. As someone questioned, how much did you pay there, and how much do you pay here?
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-9 13:54 | 显示全部楼层
再次更新:今天,他开始了新的学校,很开心。Grandma was there with him in principle, but he basically ignored her, so she just wondered around to visit all the classrooms. He had stayed for about 3 hours, and didn't want to leave when we went to pick him up. He told me that the teacher was cool and stronger than his father. The teacher thinks that he would be able to join the class for a field trip tomorrow. I feel that he would have no problem accepting this school at all. Cross fingers.
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发表于 2014-12-9 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
借这个帖子问一下 如果对这个kita不满意 因为一般都是提前一个月取消合同 那之后是不是还要付一个月的钱即使不去?
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-18 16:32 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2016-4-5 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
kiwi1611 发表于 2014-11-3 17:15
认识个德国女 ...

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