本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-11-7 01:29 编辑
Ive recently upgraded my Linux distribution, and Chinese input has mysteriously stopped working, so excuse the English.
I dont think it's as easy and straightforward as people think it is. I couldnt even fully grasp the difficulties of a PHD until I am a couple of months into it.
As I mentioned earlier in my previous deleted thread, this is a very prestige school, and everyone who can get in is good and very good. I mean the school is ranked amongst the top 4 best computer science schools in the world. It is really competitive, it is not just technically challenging, but it is also mentally challenging. The expectations from your adviser is very high. It's kind of hard for me to just hide my head in the sand and pretend that nothing is happening. If you are not good enough, you get kicked out of the program. American schools also have a very different work ethic than German schools. In German schools, you are not really expected to work on the weekends, whereas here you are sort of expected to do that.