你翻译对了,但和事实不相付。 而且长居你其实也不可能拿到。
Niederlassungserlaugnis – Permanent settlement permit
The Niederlassungserlaubnis secures permanent residence in Germany. It has no time or spatial restrictions and gives you the right to take up gainful employment without having to undergo further approval by the Federal Employment Agency. This unlimited settlement permit generally entitles you to take up any form of gainful employment (exceptions apply only to a few professions, in particular the medical profession, e.g. doctors, and for receiving civil service status).
The Niederlassungserlaubnis should be applied for as soon as all conditions are met. In the majority of cases this settlement permit will not be issued immediately. There are exceptions, however, for highly qualified people. People also receive a settlement permit directly on arrival in Germany who are accepted by the Federal Republic of Germany for special political reasons (e.g. Jews from the former Soviet Union). All other groups can only receive a settlement permit after a specific period of stay in Germany. Depending on the purpose for which the residence permit ( Aufenthaltserlaubnis) was issued, you may be entitled to a settlement permit ( Niederlassungserlaubnis) if other preconditions are fulfilled.
The following conditions must generally be met in order to receive a settlement permit:
Possession of a residence permit ( Aufenthaltserlaubnis) for at least five years
Five years of employment, including payment of social insurance contributions
Secure livelihood
Sufficient accommodation for you and your family
Sufficient knowledge of German
Basic knowledge of the German legal and social systems
For spouses it is sufficient if the partner is employed and pays social insurance contributions. For children there are wide-ranging exemptions. They are generally entitled to a settlement permit if, at the age of 16, they have possessed a residence permit for five years. There are also special regulations for issuing settlement permits for recognised refugees. They can usually already receive a settlement permit after three years. |