本帖最后由 小牛拉车 于 2015-7-24 23:11 编辑
Remember Eskinder Negash told us here that the Office of Refugee Resettlement took care of 143,000 ‘refugees’ in FY 2013 (but some were UACs and victims of trafficking)
我死活没明白143,000这个数字怎么来的 因为2014年奥巴马给难民的额度不过7万而已
Refugee arrivals in FY 2014 will again come close to reaching the
President’s authorized ceiling of 70,000
The overall population served by ORR and its partners, however, grew to a projected 143,000 new arrivals in Fiscal Year 2013, including almost 72,000 refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders, an estimated 46,000 asylees and Cuban/Haitian Entrants and Parolees; more than 500 Victims of Trafficking, and nearly 25,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC).
Office of Refugee Resettlement 这个机构2014年收了143,000 个人
大概一半 72,000 是和德国一样的难民 refugees
另外就是 什么古巴海地来的特别移民签证啊 46,000
500个非法交易人口 25,000 孤儿 UAC
这乱七八糟的143,000 统统算起来以后
Here is the FY2015 Report to Congress. Note that the dollar figures we have here do not include: costs associated with the Unaccompanied Alien Children’s Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income programs, the Victims of Domestic Trafficking, food stamps, public housing, WIC, education for the children, costs associated with the criminal justice system, interpreters, etc.
FY2015 Report to Congress就是我提出的论据
但是 这个作者把 UAC儿童之类的开销 统统的算进去了
Estimated Available Funding for Refugee Processing, Movement, and Resettlement
FY 2014 and FY 2015 ($ Millions)
2014 年 加起来 $1,143.0 Millions 也就是 10多亿美金专门给难民 其中包含三大项目
Refugee Processing 处理
Refugee Admissions 接收
Refugee Resettlement 安置
So, without those costs added in we are paying over $1 billion a year in tax dollars to resettle just over 100,000 refugees and asylees in one year. Some experts say the cost for the “services” listed above for years (because we don’t just give welfare for the first year in America) would run the tab up to the $5-$10 billion mark each year.
他认为政府的账目开销是 10亿美元 就是那个$1 billion 给了 over 100,000 (就是那个143,000 )
但是他自己估算开销了 50-100亿美元 (我对他的估算实在无法确认,反正 Some experts say,随便他们去say anything了)
你看我理解的对不对, 因为这不是官方文件 纯粹是某个人自己按照自己的估计写的
我个人判断 平均下来 德国政府比美国政府在每个难民身上开销的更多 |