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本帖最后由 JIUJIU99 于 2016-6-7 17:52 编辑
You must bring your passport, your permission to stay in Germany and a document from the German authorities stating your marital status (this must not be more than 4 months old). Your future husband must bring his passport, his permission to stay in Italy and a document from the Italian authorities stating his marital status (this must also not be more than 4 months old). You must also bring your ticket of arrival in Denmark (train, bus, ferry….) You must give in all those documents in original no later than 5 working days ahead of the day you wish to get married.
所以现在的意思是指,我是需要带上我的护照,还有居留卡,还有我的单身证明就好了吗? 但是我看到坛子里很多姐妹们都说需要出生公证啊!这个我倒是有,是当初来德国时候开的,2010年办的,六年了不知道还有没有效?这也是我的疑惑之一!
现在男友正在意大利办理他的单身证明并且认证,我的已从buergerbuero开完准备去领事馆认证。 现在不知道我还需要点什么材料,真的是很担心万一漏带材料或者准备不充分什么的。 各位JMS有经验的麻烦帮帮忙!谢谢大家了!
还有一点就是,结婚后还需要在德国办理一些什么手续吗?听说还要去哥本哈根那里的中国领事馆敲章? 我希望结婚后可以申请男友也得到德国这里的居留,不知道行得通行不通? 再次感谢各位!