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附录”蓝卡转长居的要求“, 转自移民局官网
Holders of the EU Blue Card in Germany can be issued with an unlimited national residence title (settlement permit). In order to do so, they must not only meet the general preconditions, but also have been engaged in highly-qualified employment for 33 months and have paid contributions into an old-age pension scheme for this period. The further preconditions contained in section 9 subs. 2 No. 2 and Nos. 4-6, 8 and 9 of the German Residence Act also apply. In cases falling under No. 8, EU Blue Card holders who hold a higher education qualification are assumed to have a minimal need of integration, and do not therefore need to provide proof that they have completed an orientation course. Only simple German knowledge needs to be documented (level A1). If holders of the EU Blue Card provide proof of adequate knowledge of German (level B1), they can apply for a settlement permit for Germany after only 21 months