Struggle and Hope—An Analysis of the Current Situation of Chinese Immigrants in Spain
【作者】 吴恙;
【Author】 WU Yang College of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Sichuan University,Chengdu Sichuan610051,China
【机构】 四川大学外国语学院;
【摘要】 中国移民分布在全世界各个国家,每个国家的华人移民发展历史和生活方式都有所不同,通过对第一代、第二代西班牙华人移民地的起源和发展,分析他们移民的原因及特征。对于西班牙人来说,华人是最难融入当地社会生活的外来移民群体,西班牙华人生活在一个相对封闭的世界里。西班牙华人移民要想融入西班牙社会,其中语言并不是融合的唯一障碍,生活习惯的差异、价值观和思考问题的方式都从他们这个群体的孤立状态中体现出来。
【Abstract】 Chinese immigrants are distributed in various countries all around the world;thereby the history and ways of life of Chinese immigrants in those countries are different.We analyzed the reasons and characteristics of the first two generations of Chinese immigrants to Spain by studying the origin and history.In Spain,the Chinese immigrants,who live in a relatively closed world,have the greatest difficulty in blending with the local communities.Language is not the only impediment for them to blend ... 更多
【关键词】 西班牙华人; 传统思想; 文化冲突; 文化融合; 社会融入度;
【Key words】 Chinese in Spain; traditional thoughts; cultural conflicts; culture blending; social integration; |