皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)是美国的一间独立性民调机构和智库机构,它致力于研究影响世界的问题、态度与潮流。该中心在美国乃至世界颇具盛名,其研究结果常常被全球各大媒体所引用。
这项调查在北美、欧洲及亚太地区的13个发达国家(不包括美国在内)展开,调查时间为2020年6月10日至8月3日,受访者共 13273 人。
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It enjoys a great reputation and its research results are widely quoted by major media outlets across the globe. Recently, a poll conducted by the organization among more than 13,000 adults from 13 countries showed that the image of the U.S. and Donald Trump has plunged from poor to abysmal over the administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Only 41% of the respondents to the survey in the UK hold a favorable opinion of the U.S., a historic low. In 2000, as much as 83% of interviewees in the UK had a positive view of America. In Germany, only 26% said they have a favorable view of the U.S. The researchers concluded that the decline is linked to how the U.S. has been handling the pandemic.
When it comes to “whether the leader would do the right thing in world affairs,” Donald Trump received the lowest mark among six world leaders. Only a median of 16% have confidence in Trump. Angela Merkel received the highest mark with 76% of those polled saying she would do the right thing regarding world affairs. It is notable that in every country surveyed, men hold a more favorable view of the U.S. than women. Japanese had the highest degree of trust in Trump.
在被调查的13个国家中,近半数受访者(48%)认为中国是当下全球经济的引领者, 34%的受访者则认为是美国。
This survey also reveals that nearly half (48%) of the participants in the 13 countries believe that China is the world’s leading economic power while only 34% say the U.S. is. Interestingly, in South Korea and Japan, which are geographically closest to China among the countries surveyed, the U.S. is the most common choice for the world’s leading economic power.