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本帖最后由 布小熊 于 2024-6-13 15:38 编辑
公司简介 乐歌人体工学科技股份有限公司(证券代码300729,以下简称乐歌股份)成立于2002年,总部位于浙江宁波。智能家居和海外仓2大成熟产业,是国内跨境电商行业的创新型、平台型企业。成为大健康人体工学行业首家A股上市公司,跨境电商行业首家IPO形式上市公司。 Flexispot,作为乐歌集团的独立站,专注于线性驱动和健康办公领域,以人体工学为核心理念。该品牌在创新研发技术方面极具实力,涵盖线性驱动智能办公升降桌、智能升降工作站、智能升降儿童学习桌、人体工学办公椅、智能电动床等多款精品产品,并在该领域获得众多发明专利。
职位描述 B2B 境外销售代表/ 工作地点 科隆/werne
创造商机: 通过电话、电子邮件、社交媒体和网络等各种渠道积极寻找和识别潜在商业客户。 获取客户: 联系潜在客户,介绍我们的产品/服务,安排会议或产品演示。 关系管理: 与新老商业客户建立并保持长期关系。 销售策略: 制定并实施销售策略,实现并超越销售目标。 合同谈判: 领导与商业客户的谈判并签订合同。 市场和竞争对手分析: 持续分析市场和竞争对手,识别机会和威胁。 报告: 定期编制销售报告和预测,以监控销售进度并确定需要改进的领域。
资格和要求: 学历: 完成商业培训或获得商业、市场营销或相关专业的学位。 经验: 至少 2-3 年的 B2B 销售专业经验,最好是对外销售经验。 沟通技能: 优秀的德语和英语口头和书面沟通能力。 销售能力: 销售业绩良好,尤其是在获取新客户和关系管理方面。 分析能力: 分析市场数据和做出战略决策的能力。 技术亲和力: 具有客户关系管理系统和销售软件方面的经验。 个性: 自我激励、以结果为导向,能够在充满活力、快节奏的环境中工作。
薪酬: 有吸引力的薪酬待遇,并有基于绩效的奖金。 职业发展: 职业发展和继续教育的机会。 工作环境: 在一个不断发展的公司里,有一个积极和支持性的工作环境。 额外福利: 全面的福利待遇,包括医疗保健、退休计划和员工折扣。
申请: 有意应聘者请将简历和令人信服的求职信发送至 verwaltung@flexispot.de
Job Description: B2B Outbound Sales Representative
Position: Outbound Sales Representative (B2B)
Location: Köln/wernen
About the Company FlexiSpot GmbH is a leading provider of ergonomic furniture with a broad customer base and a strong market presence. Our goal is to help businesses improve their efficiency and productivity through innovative solutions.
Main Tasks and Responsibilities: Lead Generation: Actively search for and identify potential business customers through various channels such as phone, email, social media, and networks. Customer Acquisition: Contact potential customers, present our products/services, and arrange meetings or product demos. Relationship Management: Build and maintain long-term relationships with new and existing business customers. Sales Strategy: Develop and implement sales strategies to achieve and exceed sales targets. Contract Negotiations: Lead negotiations and close contracts with business customers. Market and Competitor Analysis: Continuously analyze the market and competitors to identify opportunities and threats. Reporting: Regularly prepare sales reports and forecasts to monitor sales progress and identify areas for improvement. Qualifications and Requirements: Education: Completed commercial training or a degree in business, marketing, or a related field. Experience: At least 2-3 years of professional experience in B2B sales, preferably in outbound sales. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills in German and English. Sales Competence: Proven track record in sales, especially in acquiring new customers and relationship management. Analytical Skills: Ability to analyze market data and make strategic decisions. Technical Affinity: Experience with CRM systems and sales software. Personality: Self-motivated, results-oriented, and able to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment.
What We Offer: Compensation: Attractive salary package with performance-based bonuses. Professional Development: Opportunities for career development and continuing education. Work Environment: A positive and supportive work environment in a growing company. Additional Benefits: Comprehensive benefits package including health care, retirement plans, and employee discounts.
Application: Interested candidates are requested to send their resume and a compelling cover letter to verwaltung@flexispot.de . We look forward to hearing from you!