原帖由 大浦洞-II 于 2006-6-19 16:14 发表
The Chinese court official Cai Lun described the modern method of papermaking in AD 105; he was the first person to describe how to make paper from wood pulp. Archeologically, true paper had been excavated in China dated from the 2nd-century BC. It spread slowly outside of China; other East Asian cultures, even after seeing paper, could not figure out how to make it themselves. Instruction in the manufacturing process was required, and the Chinese were reluctant to share their secrets. The technology was first transferred to Korea in 604 and then imported to Japan by a Buddhist priest, Dam Jing from Goguryeo, around 610, where fibres (called bast) from the mulberry tree were used. After further commercial trading and the defeat of the Chinese in the Battle of Talas, the invention spread to the Middle East, where it was adopted in India and subsequently in Italy in about the 13th century. They used hemp and linen rags as a source of fiber. The oldest known paper document in the West is the Missel of Silos from the 11th century.
现代的实用意义上的“纸” 正是中国发明的,然后传人东亚,和中亚,直到13世纪传入意大利。 不知作者从哪儿作出的结论: 没有任何国际上的权威机构或学者承认纸是中国人发明的。
按照作者的观点,中国的指南针早有什么用,人家说的指南针是意大利人的玩意,那才算 “真” 指南针。
[ 本帖最后由 无言 于 2006-6-26 20:29 编辑 ] |