
楼主 |
发表于 2006-9-22 11:39
far away
Nickelback - Far Away
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Nickelback Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
Far 'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
Away I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
Songtexte I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Songtext Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Lyrics Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
Lyric All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
Liedertexte I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
Liedertext 'Cause you know,
you know, you know
So far away
Alle Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
Nickelback But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
Far 'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
Away I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
Songtexte So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go
因为前两天总是要吵架,所以他之后发来歌曲 song for the day....一首让我那么喜欢,心动的歌曲.强烈建议大家听听...
....Maybe you already heard it. I can play it on the guitar. :) ....不可否认,我们曾经一起和谐得弹了一首自创的曲子,用他的电guitar,我爱上他就是开始爱上他爱的音乐的. 我们一起做过疯狂的事情,我会一辈子记得. 曾经让他开车,半夜3点半在我们中途的城市接我,因为很想见面. 还有在他家烧烤,我们都喝多他调的cocktail,突然两个人跑到卫生间,压到我在地板上,留下客人在客厅,5分钟后再心照不宣得出来. 再不,就是他突然抱起我走向bedroom,跟他客人说,我们要睡觉了. 在Böblingen的rainbow每次吃完大餐我都要拿他的信用卡付账,一个开心大笑又霸道的女孩,他腼腆的坐在旁边,微笑得看着我.最后一顿,我说我们再也不来了,因为他要离开了.老板问我他离开德国怎么办,我笑笑,说那就离开呗.
前两天在Munich,去了狂欢节,居然在那种醉酒的气氛下我很自然和一个年纪小我6岁的俄国男孩手牵手行走在大街上,地铁里,热烈的拥抱亲吻,用英文大声说话,还有和车厢里其他的德国人,他们一定很羡慕我身边的男孩,对我很友好的笑. 我们的样子让外人来看一定象是男女朋友, 他想让我去他家过夜. 我说不行,因为我已经有爱的人了. 难以置信,他会说那么喜欢亲我.....而我,却最后已经厌烦了他的强迫. 推开他,一路向前跑... 在那一刻, 我心理想着我的man啊,他从来不会强迫我做我不喜欢的事情.... so far away.....不知道他会不会在招待小姐身穿bikini的酒巴里也会偶尔放纵自己,然后还是想到有我的存在.....尽管他一再强调,他从未有过荒唐的行为.
他神秘兮兮告诉我看信箱,我好奇得不耐烦了问他是bad news or good news...原来我们3个月前曾经委托他父母所在的church做过一个婚姻测试,couple需要各自填写材料,类似网络八卦测试...我们做过后都曾经嘲笑过这个测试的幼稚...简直是可笑,用这个来预见婚姻的和谐性.而且居然要交钱的.
I’m feeling very sheepish ... For some reason I assumed that the Prepare/Enrich on line program was to send me an email when both partners had completed their marriage inventory. So, I didn’t set a reminder for myself in my Palm Pilot ... I can’t believe three months have gone by. Please forgive me.
I was going through my flagged email and saw yours and I went on line to see what was up and saw that you and $% had completed your inventory. I’m not sure how you wish to proceed. We could set up a conference call (if all our time zones will cooperate) if you wish. Or, I could speak to the two of you separately. I can tell you right off the bat that you were scored as a “Vitalized” couple which is the top scoring (Vitalized / Harmonious / Traditional / Conflicted). This is very good and indicates that there is a lot of agreement between you. There are, however, areas on which you would need to focus if you wish to move forward with marriage.
Well ... again, so sorry to delay in getting back with you. Let me know if/how you’d like to proceed.
Jonathan ^^*^*
可笑啊,我已经给my man下达了最后通牒了,在我生日前娶我.这封信延迟了3个月,说我们分数最高...算是good news吧...呵呵,我家人半年前也请人算过我俩的,说我们很不错啊,相似,最好过有距离感的婚姻生活. 我很ft,他也觉得不可想象,那要婚姻干嘛啊,就是因为想能在一起,才必须结婚.
这个周末想安静的在家,哪里都不去. 下周一去注销学籍.学业结束了终该. 是去是留? 要爱人还是要事业.... |