With the development of Logistic, many factories can send and recive their Chips "safety", satety is a very important point, and the prise is also accaptable. so many Developers can do the design job in Europa, and produced their chips in Asia.
All Computer instructions will finished with ele. circuits, for CISC, for Example, one integral instruction perhaps they can finisched within one CPU cycle use circuits with many elements. but with RISC, one integral they use perhaps 3 or 4 CPU cycles, or evan more,but of cause they doing other Jobs meantime. the most problem for RSIC computer is Hasards, WAW, WAR, acutally it become slowly.
此clock cycle非彼clock cycle,对于CISC来说,因为一个时钟周期需要完成所有的指令,因此最长执行时间的指令决定了CPU的频率,而RISC的基本理念是将复杂的指令拆成尽可能费时相等的几个阶段,所用的时钟周期只是略大于CISC下时钟平均除以阶段数(考虑到Pufferregister带来的overhead)。基本上RISC的3,4个周期相当于CISC的一个周期略长。而执行效率就不用说了,像我之前提到的RISC+Pipeling+dynamic scheduling,可能还得加上一些硬件方面的优化算法如Tomasulo,其结果是基本实现一个周期完成一条指令。由此看来,P4采用RISC也不算是个意外。
无尘车间,there are different class of 无尘车间, class 1000, class 100, .. class 1, the number of z.B.1000 means, 1000 paricle in each curbic meter(or foot, i have forgessen), and 台湾代工厂 for example, "Zhong Xin Guo Ji" is not registerit in China, what i talked is only the factories of our own governments. Some technic, the Taiwan'er can easily get but we not. before the "Liang An Tong Yi" i will not thinking about Taiwan Companies.
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