




楼主: 小小

[欧洲游] 意大利米兰(准备篇)

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:05 | 显示全部楼层

首先就是传说中的Castello Sforzesco了,搭地铁红线到 Cairoli 下。

斯福尔扎城堡,按照佛朗西斯克•史佛慈的意愿始建于1450年,建筑为四方形,在四角上各有一圆柱形塔。经过考察验证,现在正门的主塔为1901-1904年重建的,而在此之前由建筑师Filarete于十五世纪建成的原作,已在1521年倒塌。城堡内部分为三个庭院:第一个非常宽阔,被用作军事广场——Piazza d’Armi;穿过广场向左,可通往塔楼庭院——Cortile della Rochetta,为文艺复兴风格;右侧是公爵府——Corte Ducale,为公爵们的官邸。城堡建成后,最初是作为军事防御用的,后逐渐发展成一个豪华的住宅,是欧洲最奢华的宫廷之一。在史佛慈去世后,城堡逐渐衰落,并变成军营。修复工程开始于二十世纪初,将其修建为市立古代艺术博物馆。其中画廊部分具有很高的艺术价值;此外,雕塑馆中还有米开朗基罗的最后一个未完成的雕塑“荣达尼尼的仁慈——Pieta Rondanini”。工艺美术品展览室内有珍贵的家具、陶瓷、挂毯、古乐器和武器的收藏。城堡中有一间“无轴厅”是由达芬奇装饰,天花板上至今仍可依稀可见由他绘制的茂盛的槭树杈纵横交错。

斯福查城堡是由米兰贵族维斯孔蒂和斯福查建造的杰出的防御城堡。这一贵族从中世纪到文艺复兴年代一直统治了意大利的北方。 1900年代城堡被重新维修,改为博物馆和图书馆。艺术馆或古代艺术博物馆尤为杰出(周二至周日,早900 –晚1730 门票3欧元。杰出的米开安杰罗的最后雕刻代表作在此展出。米开安杰罗(1475-1564)的第一雕刻代表作是1500年在罗马完成的,至今还展示在圣彼得大教堂中。在此展出的作品是米兰总署1552年买去的四个作品之一(1555年)临去世的前几天他还在雕刻,当年89岁。城堡的另一边收集了几世纪来的乐器,地毯,家具,服装等。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:10 | 显示全部楼层

Triennale di Milano [Palazzo dell'Arte, Sempione Park]
Cadorna Triennale(Viale Alemagna 6)
The Palazzo dell'Arte where the Triennale has always took place is an elegant building in the Parco Sempione (behind the Castle), designed in the 1930s by architect Giovanni Muzio to host the most important exhibitions of Italian design.
Its architecture displays are high-level too, often mounted in collaboration with universities and museums in dozens of countries.

登上伯兰卡塔-Torre Branca,可从高处眺望米兰城。Torre Branca这一幽美的金属结构,108.6米高,1933 年一月至八月间由GIO PONTI ,CESARE CHIODI 和 ETTORE FERRARI 共同建造,是当时三年展会的一个展品。 当时,97米的平台上是个饭店。但是由于安全的原因,后来没有再摆上桌椅。这是唯一能从高处看米兰的地方。(这个景点。。。地图上找半天也没有找到,估计是在这里吧,去过的达人讲解下吧)

Arco della pace
和平门(位于Parco Sempione大广场中心):1807年正是拿破仑的全盛时期,在路易吉•卡诺拉(Luigi Gagnda)的指挥下开始兴建凯旋门。工程进行到三分之二时,发生了滑铁卢事件,于是,工程便停了下来。1826年奥地利的佛朗西斯科一世(Francesco I d’Austria)下令继续完成这项工程,为纪念1815年的欧洲和平。1833年卡诺拉去世,继而由Francesco Peverelli和Francesco Londonio来完成。按当时的奥地利的菲尔迪南多一世(Ferdinando I d’Austria)大帝要求于1838年9月10日揭幕。在拱门(高25米)上的众多装饰中,最精彩的部分为阿彭迪奥•圣乔治(Abbondio Sangiorgio)的青铜作品——六匹高头大马拉的和平车。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
绿红线交接处Cadorna F.N.Triennale站,西面一点,就是《最后的晚餐》所在地了。可惜,这次提前了一个月,还是没预约到。。。到时候,只好过去碰碰运气了。网上就可以约了 http://www.cenacolovinciano.org/english/index.html

圣玛丽亚感恩教堂(Santa Maria delle Grazie )
景点地址:         Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie 2, Corso Magenta
开放时间:         星期二─六9:00─12:00,星期日9:00─20:00
这幅巨画宽8.5米,高4.97米,画中的人物比真人大一半,画面描绘的是耶酥12个门徒共进晚餐时的情景,耶酥说:“你们中的一人出卖了我。”这时,门徒们的反应各不相同,画面准确地反映了12个门徒的不同表情,十分形象地表现了他们的内心世界,犹他听到这句话后神情紧张,身向后仰,却仍然紧紧抓着钱袋,显得贪婪而惶恐。正中的耶稣微摊双手,表情淡漠,显出无可奈何之壮。其余人物依各自年龄、身份不同而有贴切的表现。人物间彼此联系,互相呼应。画面富有节奏感,同时显示了画家善于描绘人物心理的才能。画面中13个人物均在一个水平线上,3人一组,构成视点中心,构图特殊,使画面有了纵深感。二战时,市民们用沙袋将教堂的墙保护起来,使这一杰作得以保存。这幅画是画在泥灰墙上,由于达·芬奇每准备一片泥灰后未等彻底干燥既做画,而且用的是他自己调制的颜料,1568年画面已开始出现霉斑。几百年来进行了多次修复。最后一次是1982年开始的,耗用了近20年,于1999年完成。维画家PininBarcilon 的声誉极高,受到的讽刺也不小。显然,她究竟维画了多少,又重新创作了多少,一直是不可避免的争论。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
搭绿线南下一站到S. Ambrogio下,看教堂和博物馆。

圣•安布鲁乔教堂(位于Via Terraggio上):

国立科学技术博物馆(Via San Vittore 21)
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:24 | 显示全部楼层

Ticinese [San Lorenzo, Sant'Eustorgio, canals, shops]
A very characteristic district, once the town's port. Strange as it may seem today, till 1928 Milan was penetrated, even close to the center, by canals - or Navigli - and barges.Like in any other town, Milan's port was a lively place, with occasional seedier overtones. Ticinese is still a working-class district, although smart shops, restaurants and cafés now abound.
An exceptional church, San Lorenzo, is located here, with original Roman columns still standing in front of it.
A patch a greenery (much more modern, though: there were residential buildings here until destroyed by bombs in the Second World War) connects San Lorenzo to the equally splendid church of Sant'Eustorgio.
If you keep walking, about a hundred meters towards the suburbs, you reach the Darsena (Basin) and the external Navigli - these, picturesquely, still full of water. It is an animated area too, where people hang out after dark, come for a drink, to have an ice-cream or listen to live music.
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:30 | 显示全部楼层


Università Statale [Ca' Granda, Torre Velasca]
Missori(Via Festa del Perdono 3)
Milan's former hospital, built during the 15th century by the Sforzas, has become the most central campus of Milan State University (Humanities).
It's definitely worth a visit to admire its long façade - with Gothic-Renaissance terracotta décor - on Via Festa del Perdono and its splendid courtyards. The main one, called Cortile del Filarete, was designed in the 17th century by Francesco Maria Ricchino who partly re-used older ornamental elements. From the far corner on the right, you reach a series of smaller courtyards, to be explored among groups of wandering students.
The geometric mushroom of the Torre Velasca dominates the skyline in downtown Milan and is visible much further afield too.
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 12:33 | 显示全部楼层

Giardini Pubblici [public gardens, Villa Reale, Pac]
Corso Venezia
The most central of Milan's city parks was designed by the same 18th century architect (Giuseppe Piermarini) as the Scala and Palazzo Reale and later enlarged and embellished with funny fake rocks.
It's a perfect place to take the kids or go for a short walk amid some greenery. It also encompasses the Hoepli Planetarium and the Museo di Storia Naturale.
On the other side of Via Palestro you find more gardens (open only to children accompanied by adults). They belong to the Villa Reale, which houses the Galleria d'Arte Moderna (Gallery of Modern Art), and nearby PAC (Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea).
After crossing Corso Venezia in front of the natural history museum you come to Piazza Duse, where an early 20th century residential district (strictly for the well-heeled) begins.
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发表于 2006-10-13 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2006-10-13 13:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-10-15 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
具体是在DUOMO附近走到Cordusio这个站,然后转乘18路街道列车,终点站就是San Siro!




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